Chain Link Dog kennels


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
I was wondering if you guys had any ideas on how to make a chain link kennel into a more chicken friendly coop/ run?
We r planning the same thing. Here r my thoughts...what's everyone think? 4x4 on the ground with hardware cloth stappled to the bottom attach the kennels to them...fill with sand. At one end box off another area for sod tray. Cover with netting and let the girls out?
We built a 2x4 frame and then covered the top with wire. We put 2 feet of hardware cloth up the sides of the chain link and then skirted all around with another 2 feet. Here is a pic of it while in the process of finishing it. This is before all the hardware cloth was put up. It is completely enclosed with wire. We used cable ties to attach the wire to the chain link.

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It's not chicken wire, its hardware cloth. Dogs and other predators can dig right through chicken wire. The top of the left side of the pen is covered with chicken wire, but the skirting and the 2 feet up the sides of the chain link is hardware cloth. I couldn't afford to do the top with the hardware cloth at this time, so we chose to put the chicken wire on top, and the hardware cloth on the bottom. My main predator is my own dog lol. She has tried to dig and this has stopped her completely.
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This is my duck/goose coop, but it would still work for chickens. My DH attached the kennel right to the coop, and we were in the process of reinforcing the bottom with hardware cloth to keep out the critters and to keep their heads in
. Eventually it will be framed in on the bottom and sand added to the run. This is still a work in progress.
Oops I meant in my post that I forgot to mention that we were going to attach chicken wire around the bottom of our kennel to keep the babies in. I've read that they can fit through the chainlink. For the predator proofing we are using hardware cloth. Sorry about the confusion still new to posting!

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