Chantecler Thread!

Unfortunately I only have 3 to choose from. I'm having a hard time guessing on sexing here too, so any help would be appreciated... they are from 2 maybe 3 lines, so not horribly consistant either!

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This one acts like a roo, picks up food and clucks everyone over to him

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This one acts like a hen

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This one i'm undecided about, colour says male to me, but narrow cushion and non gender distinct behavior.

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syble, they're still too young to tell for certain. My guess would be all pullets, but really it's a guess at this age due to the multiple feather changes the Partridges go through. I've never noticed any behavioural differences between the least until the first crow!
Here I am on the Chantecler thread now, and I see Shelley and Stacy talking about them !!!! Did you two see my post on the Michigan thread, I think one of the 6 Chanty's I just got from Stacy is trying to crow!!! Im eggcited about it. My incubator came today so I'm reading.
Im figuring it's the one with the blue band since it's so BIG!! I held it on my lap today and trying to help it settle in and be a friendly bird, no problems with any of them so far.
i'd love it if they were all pullets haha, always easier to find a quality roo then it is to find a decent hen or 2! At what age do sex feathers tend to come in on these guys? i usually look for those haha.

This is my first attempt with partridge chanties, or any chantie for that matter... i do love the partridge color when done right, but i've got a ways to go to see what these guys will have lol.
I was just reading the White was the only color till the partridge was accepted as official as well, so I guess that makes my Buffs NON official Chantecler's?? Bummer. I still like themalot, think they are beautiful and will definately keep a rooster and try to keep them going.
I live in Northern Illinois. We have winters that dip below zero and summers that get to the 90's, with humidity it gets extra nasty. (90's during the day) I've had two buff Chantecler pullets/hens since last summer, and four male and 6 pullets that were hatched in February.

We've been having temps in the high 80's low 90's recently. The Chantecler are fine. The two hens went broody. One is still sitting the other hatched eggs (in the same nest as a Salmon Faverolles). Both are fine. The coop is pretty hot but the one still sitting on eggs looks good to me.

The others who are about four months old now are great. They are more active than the other breeds that hatched at the same time. They spend the hottest part of the day in the shade, until I come outside, then they mob me for treats or to just hang out. I think the lighter buff color helps them.

this is good info to know as I live very near Saginaw Bay in Michigan...summers can get awfully hot and sticky. I have my Chanty's coop in shade in the morning but am thinking of pulling it south so theres shade from trees mornings and shade from house in evenings sooner.

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