Chantecler Thread!

Since your birds are from my stock, ChicwannaB...I can say it will be a few/several more weeks before you get eggies. Just remember...good things come to those who wait.
Any hens from non-hatchery stock will take several weeks longer to lay than the typical production type hatchery hens.
Since your birds are from my stock, ChicwannaB...I can say it will be a few/several more weeks before you get eggies. Just remember...good things come to those who wait.
Any hens from non-hatchery stock will take several weeks longer to lay than the typical production type hatchery hens.

OK, I wonder why that is?? Same for the roos?? Do they mature later also??
Im going to post a pic of my chante's pen so folks can tell me if it's alright for over-wintering them or if they should go inside the kennel/coop.
thanx shellyb, I do love these birds. They are bossy and dominate even over the year olds I have, but not mean. Just lightening fast when it comes to getting the treats first.
MOST hatcheries are not concerned with the various standards emphasized by the APA for the different breeds. They simply focus on egg production. So certain details about the breeds are often ignored...such as eye color, leg color, etc.

Above is a shot of the INside of my Chante Cathedral, named so because the pointy top of it reminds me of a church or something....
You can see the gaps in the boards in the back and how much the wind could blow thru it.
It is roofed over in tin sheets and then also has two tarps over it. One just covers the loft, the other most of the cathedral.

Above pic shows a close-up of the loft. All 5 chante's roost up there at night. I put in straw so in case the hens want to start looking around, but do you think they should start going in the kennel at night instead now??
Here is Opa at 19 weeks:


and this is Big John:

Aren't they awesome?? Big Johns comb does have slight pointy things and is narrower. Opa's is wide, flat and smooth. I think he is the one I should keep for breeding. The third roo looks more like Opa's comb.
What do the experts think??
Big John's comb is a pea comb. Chanteclers should have a cushion comb. Opa has the correct comb.
Nice coop, and handsome cockerels! I'm not a Chantecler expert but, it appears that Big John has a pea comb instead of a cushion. (Opa has a cushion comb) A set back that should be culled out. However, if he is the best in body type and weight you may want to consider him.
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I have really enjoyed reading this thread. I can't wait to get some Chanteclers! Hopefully Sand Hill will have some of the whites.....

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