Chantecler Thread!

Just found this thread. I live in No Dak now and have a somewhat mixed flock. I've always kept BO for their ability to lay through the winter and good DP birds, but have been researching other winter hardy birds and now am sold on the Chantecler. From what I've read, the white is the original variety. Is there much difference today between the performance of the whites and the partridge or buff? I like the idea of the original type (white) but admit I like colored birds just to look at. My goal would be to raise and improve the stock, plus keep birds for eggs and meat. I do have a separate pen so I could keep them pure.

Becky in NoDak
There are lots of helpful articles on the Chantecler at

The Buffs were developed in the US, but to the SOP of the White/Patridge. The Partidge was developed in Alberta, whereas the white is from Quebec. The articles will give you a true history. The Red is a cross of the Buff and Patridge and was developed in Texas by Ideal Poultry Farms. Not sure if the Red has been tested in the north.

I'm still moving along with my little flock of Partridges- I'm about to make a final cut on the dozen roos I've ended up with. It's nice to be able to choose from so many for the qualities of the SOP, but it's heartbreaking to have so many to process this weekend- someone else will be doing it, but it breaks my heart, as I've never known such friendly birds as these guys.

I ought to be getting my first eggs soon, and I'm looking forward to that momentous occasion!

In looking at parts of the flock together, the stark difference in the amount of black vs. red/copper is very plain in these guys. There are some with very dark Red Columbian markings, others with nearly a copper color without the Columbian marking in it on hackles and saddle, and still others with a pretty consistent Mahogany with light Columbian black running in it.




And yes- I do know the waterers work better when the other way round!
Jim we are getting a couple of eggs a day from our buffs finally. We had them out with our other laying hens and just thought it was the other hens laying. Seperated them out for breeding and I guess it was them not the other hens, because they have been laying the only eggs the past week. I gave in seeing how many others are putting eggs in the incubator already over at the Chantecler Fancier International Forum and am going to start my batch Monday.

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