Chanteclers wanted


12 Years
Oct 30, 2007
Anyone know where I can get some good quality Chanteclers?
Hi Doug,

I got my partridge Chanteclers last year, and I love them. Check out my page-

They are starting up a new club to promote the breed. I know of a few breeders, and they just started an MSN group. Here is part of an email I received:

We are finally launching the new Chantecler Fanciers International club. We do have a volunteer secretary, and she can be contacted at: [email protected] . Dues (U.S.A. residents) will be only $10, and anyone joining now will be paid up through the end of 2008. We plan to issue newsletters, sponsor awards at shows, and provide information as to sources of breeding stock. We may also push for A.P.A Standard recogition of the buff variety in addition to the present white and partridge varieties. Our ultimate success will depend on the participation of our members. We already have a nice initial mailing list but of course are looking for more interested fanciers.

Where are you from? Please tell me more! I know Ideal and Sandhill has them....
We are in Massachusetts. Up to now we have specialized in Ameraucanas,
but also have a few Buff Orpingtons and a few others.

I plan on ordering Partridge and Buff varieties from Sandhill as well as Wyandottes.
I am looking for another source for both so I can breed them.
We will probably join the Chantecler Fanciers International club.
Are you familiar with the Chantecler Club of North America at all?
I am getting a few partridge color from him also. Still looking for Buffs.

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