Charcoal or gas?

Gas for ease of use, agree about using in the wintertime and I am just not going to spend that much time outside in the winter to fiddle with a charcoal grill. That said nothing is better than a steak, marinaded chicken or cornish game hen BBQ'd on mesquite charcoal...Yum
Charcoal is much slower, messier, smokier, hotter, colder, sweatier, variable and less neighbor friendly than gas BUT it tastes like barbeque, so charcoal for me.

<--- rubs eye with bbq hand
I prefer using wood and hickory or mosquite flavored chips, I like to brine and smoke everything in my smoker, but if I had to quickly get things going and host a bbq, I would definitely use charcoal, minus any lighter fluids. Picked up this really neat electric rod that you place under the coals, I plug it in, turn on a small fan, and coals are ready in less than 20 minutes.
I went back to charcoal after having a gas grill for 8 years. Home Depot had a Weber on sale and I bought it spur of the moment.
Jeez, I missed it!
Charcoal and wood chips for me!
Wood and charcoal in that order, if i'm going to cook with gas why bother going outside. We have a big smoker type grill that we only use wood in. Oak, maple, black cherry - gives a great flavor. The Weber kettle type for quick grilling, charcoal in that one. If you use one of the chimney charcoal starters your food doesn't like you cooked it with a flame thrower burning diesel fuel. 2 pieces of wadded up paper in bottom and 20 minutes later the coals are ready.

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we have both outside type of
grill but we do use charcoal n wood chip more. in the house i love a gas stove, i love gas heat, and water heater.
last year we cook a turkey outside on the charcoal grill and we eat all of it in 2 days

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