Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

this is starting to sound like the guys at Pirate 4x4 (a 4x4 forum)... there was a thread not long ago about pressure canning bacon. something like 1.25-1.5 pounds per jar, then when you open it, you simply grill it up to crisp it.

ok found this posted on fb...
from another friend who's a bacon fiend. LOL
I wish I was that creative.
That's my own personal motto... Everything is better with bacon!
I'm with you! Everything is better with bacon.


ANd I finally have a smoker . . . .needs a little work to freshen up the exterior, then to screw up the courage to try smoking a hunk of meat.
I just want to take the time to introduce myself, i was invited here by Phage. My name is Sheena but u can see my screen name, I live on a small farm in Starke, Florida with my Husband and 4 kids. We have over 80 animals from farm animals to reptiles to fish to any kind of animal you can think of. I will be posting some pics of my animals after i ask permission from miss Phage but i do thank she said in her intro that we could podt pics. but i am here on byc to talk to like minded people and meet new friends who i can talk my crazy farm talk with lol. I look forward to speaking to you guys. MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM MOTHER MOSLEY'S SAFE HAVEN! (that is my farm name lol) OH and Happy New Year!!!!

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