Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Hi! šŸ‘‹ I haven't been on here much lately, but still having a great time with our chickens. Like a previous poster, I'm getting new chicks next week! First time raising baby chicks. I expect I'll be on here a lot more with various questions, comments, and whatnot. Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi there! Exciting times with new chicks coming in... it's going to be a fun adventure! Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or share your experiences as you go. Looking forward to hearing more about your chicks and seeing pics <hint> ;)
I did. Im sure theres always a chance for a roo, but we'll see. I already have 3 roosters don't need another right now.
What's that little yellow one supposed to be...the breed?
Well yes, life has been busy. How time flies. For the last few years I've been wanting Silkies. Not because they are irresistibly cute but because we worried about power outages or the ability to afford a new incubator as prices go up and supply chains faulter. Silkies are heralded as being excellent Mammas. We live WAY up North in Quebec and if you want any particular breed of Chicken you have to ship hatching eggs and cross your fingers or travel 5+ hours south to bring mammas and papas home. This past Summer we finally lucked out and saw an add for Silkies an hour and a half North of us! We got 2 roosters and 6 hens. Sadly 1 rooster didn't make it through the Winter. But, early this Spring while there was still a foot of snow on the ground, we got our 1st broody hen, "Sweetie". We brought her in with her clutch and she hatched 2 out of 7 eggs. Not bad with the temps outside still well bellow freezing.1 Silkie and 1 Barred Rock. Apparently the Barred Rock Hens were flying over the 6ft fence from the rafters to lay their eggs on the "quiet side" of the green house. Lol. Soon after hen #2 Hair-doo went broody and hatched 6 chicks! 2 Barred Rock, 3 Silkies and possibly 1 cross bred! What do you all think? (pictures attached). Then 3 days ago #3 Gwendolyn went broody and is sitting on 7 eggs. This investment has paid of big time. The best part is I have to worry and fuss a lot less over the chicks as they are being raised naturally by a Mamma. I couldn't be more pleased!View attachment 3815005View attachment 3815006
Thanks for sharing those pics!!

That's wonderful to hear about your Silkies! They can be great mothers. Sorry about the loss of your rooster, but it sounds like the rest of the flock is thriving?

Itā€™s great that youā€™re seeing such good results with natural brooding... I've been super fortunate at a few times having a broody hen and some chicks to put under her!

Keep enjoying your success with these natural brooding champions and keep us posted!
Hi all šŸ‘‹šŸ»

We bought our own house in Nov & are now renovating so utter chaos!!

We lost our Edna last week, she was fine one minute, dead on the floor the next so quite the shock šŸ˜¢

Down to 3 girls now, they are thoroughly enjoying trashing my new garden šŸ¤£
That's so sad. haha chickens love to trash gardens!šŸ¤£
Hey y'all, haven't been active here for a long while now, mostly because life and what not. Ended up in foster care for a bit, got engaged, moved into my own place with my fiance etc. I don't have many pets anymore, just a handful now. I've lost a lot, and am still losing, but trying to do better. I have a new account here if you'd like to check in there, it's @CrowDaddy (bc of my past dog and a book character). But that's all really, I'm near homeless and can't eat more than dinner most days but I'm trying.
HEY STRANGER! Good to see you back. Going to follow your other account now.
Stop in more often!
Hey everyone! We've been doing good, but we did have three losses last year. Fortunately the current flock is staying healthy and happy. We're currently dealing with all of the joys of the Oklahoma tornado season so lots of storms pretty regularly here.

I've been fighting the urge to get chicks since our coop and run setup are at capacity, but I'm loving everyone's chick photos! Keep em coming šŸ’›šŸ’›šŸ’›
Hey there! Sorry to hear about your losses, but glad to know your current flock is doing well... even in crazy tornado season. I can't even imagine what that's like! It must keep you on your toes!

Good luck resisting the urge to get more chicks can be tough with all the adorable photos floating around. Resistance is futile? LOL!

Stay safe during those storms, and keep us posted with pics and details!

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