Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

You're right - been very busy. But my little banty hen (Mama) of unknown breed (feed store purchase) is a great setter. She wanted to set starting in early March, so she hatched 2 little chicks on Easter! And what's extra special about it - the hen that laid the eggs is one Mama hatched and raised last year. So now she has two little half brahma banty (the dad) and half orpington/easter egger full size (the mom) chicks.
We love pictures here. Show us the chicks please.
Doing well here I. Sanford NC. We've got a few orphingtons hens that are at least 4 years old and 16 American brese just reaching one year old. All are laying. American brese eggs are smaller than orphingtons eggs. We have one goose. Had him for nearly 6 years. Garden is coming along and farm is planted with potatoes, onion and garlic.
Does the goose get along with the chickens ok?
Hello, checking back in! Went through a round of homelessness, and van life right now. Had chickens keeping me going through it all, though I’ve lost my original flock to coyotes I’ve now housing a grey Cochin who is a sweet heart. Hope she’ll start laying soon and I can find a good rooster for her once I get settled in this new town I’ve ended up in. No longer a Buddhist monk as I had some hardships that made me break some vows I couldn’t quite upkeep with the tradition though it taught me much and aids me to this day. Will need to update my name for that XD I appreciate the reach out to check in, is a good community I greatly appreciated when I raised my first flock of lovely birds. Awoke a deep love of all sorts of birds.
Are you still in Idaho?
We have such a vibrant community here at BYC... tons of active friendly members. Of course, life gets busy, so I was thinking it would be fun to start a thread welcoming some of our peeps we haven't heard from in a while.

If that's you, come say hello and let us know what you've been up to. :)

(if that's not you, feel free to invite peeps you haven't seen in a while and say hi to those that post here)
Hi there,

Going fairly well I suppose. Rescued two chickens who turned out to be terrible bullies to my hand raised chickens but I persevered as best I could. I called them Bossy and Boots lol. Boots ended up having a strange disease and we looked after her needs and gave her a good life until eventually she had to be put down. After maybe three years ish, Bossy started crowing at 5am constantly and throughout the day this year so went down to join a larger flock south of here where she now has a boyfriend and is apparently very happy.

My two originals ladies are well. One is moulting atm and looks like someone should call the RSPCA on me hahaha but that's normal. I have also started a veggie patch in the last year so they are enjoying the excess and greens.

I moved the girls into a much bigger house that has a raised coop with a slide-out tin floor last year, meaning I could get rid of the council-mandated concrete slabs on the ground. This has now completely eliminated rats from my backyard, as the slabs merely provide somewhere they can hide. So that's been really wonderful.
Otherwise, we just tonk along here doing our thing. :)

I hope everyone else is doing well!
Hi, I'm gone in a different direction a little, bit and bigger and breeding more this year than before. I'm better prepared and slightly less busy on different things in life so it's nice to dedicate more time to breeding this year. Currently breeding Large light Sussex,
Bantam light Sussex,
Large white silkys,
And crossing the two also.
Do you have any pictures of the crosses yet?
Not been active here in a while

Health challenges have got in the way of many things for a couple of years , but having the birds to tend to keeps you going . Were able to make some upgrades to the "free run" and indoor run areas . Plus added electric fence to the perimeter and barn kittens now cats . I will add some pictures when I can .
I hope you continue to get feel better. Keep moving!
Hello -
We also have no birds at the moment - we think a fox is our culprit. We sold the old coop and I'm looking for a new small one to set up after the camper leaves our back yard. And wanting to focus on a few people-loving hens. There's a rooster close by and his morning song is good enough. :)
1/2" hardware fully covered coop is what you want.
Walk-in style
Hello! As I think most everyone else said, we have been busy, and about to enter the really busy season. Inhave a broody hen who will hopefully be giving us 6 new chicks in about a week and a half, and then I have a pregnant goat due at the end of May. Plus all things gardening.
What do you grow?
Hi All,

Thank you for checking in with me. We're about four years into loving and living with our chicken family. We have twenty-one birds, all with names, representing several friendly breeds and different colored eggs.

We've enlarged their enclosure three times to where it now takes up about 1300 sq. ft. One section surrounds an oak tree. The whole thing is protected with wire netting for a roof and in the winter, we add tarps. We've built 3 large coops, so there is plenty of room to encourage all of them to get along and enjoy life.

Unfortunately, we can't free-range the chickens because we have hawks that live in the trees in our fairly rural 2.5-acre yard. It's me I know. I just can't live with losing chickens to wildlife, so we protect them as much as possible.

Around here we have other wildlife as well. There has been the occasional bear that visited our neighbor's coop (that wasn't strongly protected) a year or so ago, and a mountain lion that killed his goats. We share this land with coyotes, bobcats, raccoons and etcetera who also call this area home, so protection is hugely important.

This will be the first spring we're not adding babies. It's so addicting to raise baby chicks, which we have done using one of our hens that is notoriously and dependably broody, but we just don't need more right now. As it is, we give away so many eggs. Maybe we should sell them. That's another conversation.

They're fun. We love every aspect of their care, living with them, and learning more all of the time with the help of this forum and all the wonderful participants.

My best to all of you.
Oh boy I'd love to see pictures of your huge set up!

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