Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Everything is going well. My girls have been struggling with some skin issues and retaining feathers. I've been treating them with mite spray so hopefully that will help. I've been very busy and recently found out I am pregnant so my husband has been doing a lot of the chicken chores in my place!
Hiya, and glad you popped in!! :frow

Most here would recommend permethrin spray or powder. That may be what you're using already though. It should be repeated in 10 days to kill any eggs that hatched.

You can up their protein a bit which can help with feather growth or regrowth. You can try blend in some All Flock or chick starter/grower to your layer feed of which both are usually higher protein. You'd have to set out some oyster shell though as neither usually has enough in it for laying hens.

Congrats on the pregnancy!
We have such a vibrant community here at BYC... tons of active friendly members. Of course, life gets busy, so I was thinking it would be fun to start a thread welcoming some of our peeps we haven't heard from in a while.

If that's you, come say hello and let us know what you've been up to. :)

(if that's not you, feel free to invite peeps you haven't seen in a while and say hi to those that post here)
Hello, busy trying to get the new homestead ready to move in. Got a ton more work but will be back soon.
Hello BYC peeps! I've also been pretty busy with my four kiddos, 14 chickens, 8 ducks and oh yeah, we decided to try out QUAIL! I have to admit these feathered critters are the most fun animal experiences I've had!
We've finally settled on a rooster that fits our family well (blue sapphire gem- he is super attentive and protective of the ladies but keeps his distance from my kids) and we actually had two old ladies pass away from old age which makes me think I'm doing alright if they're living long happy lives (golden laced wyndotte and red sex-link). I've still got EEs, OEs, BCMs, 1 barred rock, and 1 leghorn (who entertains the entire family with her antics).
The ducks are still fat and happy, wagging their little tails at us every time we go to take a walk around our pond. Captain (cayuga) still watches over his girls (pekin, rouen, crested pekin, blue swedish, and buff orpington).
I'm still figuring out the quail, although I have them in a large enclosure and they like to run up to my feet and peck at my toes cooing at me while I try to fill the feeder quickly. They're pretty entertaining.
We also have our resident Egyptian Geese that have adopted our pond as their home. We've watched them hatch two clutches each spring and we watch new dudes try to move in every spring only to get chased off in an overly-dramatic display of duck-manliness. Never a boring day at the homestead!
Wow, your ducks and grouse are gorgeous!! :love

Sounds like you've kept very busy, but we're glad you popped in!! :frow
Hello hello!
It's definitely been a while for me here! Sadly our little flock has passed. Haven't had any chooks since, but I'm still learning all I can and planning for a future flock :)
Hello! :frow Glad to see you! Hopefully, soon you'll have a flock again. It's hard to live without them once you have them, that's for sure!
im inside a small california beachtown. always had chickens, lived on a ranch a while and raised many critters including flocks of chickens. raised many different breeds.

ran into most of the problems discussed here at one time or another but there is always something to learn here and so much experience to fall back on with good and willing help. alot of good people here. i would say veterinarians could level up their experience by spending time here.

i only have 3 birds now, and a small coop. 2 new black australorps and a brahma.

the brahma is a great bird. very social, stout and heavy shanks. her beak has a little tweak but not enough to mess with. i recently added two juvenile black australorps and they are just now getting past the pecking welcoming and it has been about a month. i let them out unless it is raining. View attachment 3813701View attachment 3813702View attachment 3813703View attachment 3813704
Hiya Mister Magoo, and thanks for stopping in! :frow

Glad to hear all is well there. I love your photos, especially your cat! :love
Aloha! Funny I just sent someone to this site the other day with a bumblefoot roo! We have 3 new Easter Egger chicks to add to our 12 other mixed crew! I've been exploring breeds and now have 2 Polish, 3 Spitzhaubens, a Silkie, a Mille d'Fleur, an Americana, a wild hen mix (8 yrs old now!), and a couple of layer mixes. I have continued to learn, from this site and others, how to be the only backyard chicken vet in the area. Thank you all for such wonderful information from many many years of experience! Keep posting! Attaching pic of our new coop for the babies!
Hiya, and glad you popped in. That's awesome you are trying to learn more about being a chicken vet as some of us are not fortunate enough to have one within an hour's drive even, so we rely on BYC.

That is an adorable coop! :love

Thank you for doing what you do!
Busy with dogs, and chickens. Waiting for someone to go broody so I can sneak some new chicks under her. Getting 10 - 12 eggs a day out of 13 hens.
Hiya, Jerry! :frow

Thanks for popping in.

That's an amazing amount of eggs per day from 13 hens. I have silkies so we'd get about 2/3 of that, but always, always have a broody hen. If you ever want a "brood mare" for a chicken, get a silkie. 😊
Hi all,

Life has been busy. Have been showing my chooks in the poultry shows but won't get to his year as I'm travelling around my country for a bit. Hopefully next year I can continue with them. I've lost a few roosters, one being my beautiful coronation Sussex roo, who was looking very promising, so I'm having a break from breeding them for a while too. Hopefully when I get back into it I can upgrade the coop and get another beautiful roo to continue my lines.
Hiya, Mags, and thanks for popping in! :frow

Best of luck with your plans on upgrading your coop and getting a new roo. That's cool you show yours!

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