Cheese Chat

And it's amazing how many things are improved with a pat of butter.
I agree! Vegetables especially. Corn on the cob, gem squash...

I think French fries with cheese grated over it is nice. DH thinks I'm crazy. What do you guys think? (About the French fries, not my taste in food
Cheese on french fries has become common here recently. My son loves them. Makes sense; just the modern version of potatoes au grautin, right?
Thank you! I will tell him.

Talk about unusual toppings, a male friend of mine slathers peanut butter on bread and then tops it with (cooked) 2-minute noodles, before eating it. (Yes, he's a bachelor.) Got to love friends that makes even your pregnancy craving creations look normal!
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Baked beans
. I like any other kind of beans, but not the soupy baked beans.

Back to cheese, baked brie was on sale this week and I was sooooooo tempted. I need to have a party so I can buy some.
Just go buy some! Heck who needs an excuse to buy nice cheese? Unless you want an excuse to throw a party
Parmalat (SA) had a wonderful "oops" with a batch of Gouda a few years ago. It turned out pale yellow and it had the most incredible flavour. I cannot describe it, but it was delicious! We bought what we could get from the village butchery and then asked them to talk to the Parmalat rep and see if there's any chance of getting more? After a few weeks they started producing and selling the "accidental" yellow Gouda alongside their regular cheeses.

But the best cheese "oops" we've seen so far was the company that made blue cheese... The cheese came out too small, or too flat or something, so they couldn't cut it into their usual portions for selling. So they cut slightly smaller portions and sold it at about 30% of the regular price. That was VERY nice of them
The books that the show is based on are MUCH better. Nikki makes mac and cheese with bacon and cream and all sorts of nice things. It's very rich, but delicious!

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