Chest lump


9 Years
Apr 14, 2014
One of my 4 week old chicks has a lump on her chest. I've tried to take a picture it's a little hard to get a good one. Does anyone know what it is? She is the leader of the group and they don't fight or anything. Thanks in advance.
They wouldn't add to the post so here are 2 of the pics. She is a speckled sussex
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It is squishy?  Is it their crop?  

Thanks I will check again and see. I just read up on it and will look I gave them spinach about 3 hours before I noticed it. and she was attacking it so will see they have grit and dirt and playground sand so will see if it goes down.
I'm completely new to chickens and never could figure out where their crop was until one day I felt it on a chick. Right in the middle of the chest...very soft and squishy. Sometimes they get HUGE compared to their little bodies..but they always go back down after not eating for a while. Very weird...and cool at the same time :)

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