chick hatching badly need advice (pic)


6 Years
Aug 9, 2013


It has been peeping for two days. The rest of the babies are hatched and eating already. The egg had hairline fractures from the hens fighting over nests so maybe that dried it out? I opened an air hole and since it was cracked it fell apart anyways, but her beak wasn't even close to poke out.
I took her from mama and put her in the incubator with high humidity.
I know not to touch if it's bleeding...but what do I do??
from the way the membrane is separated from the shell, it seems that it's very dry, and may not be able to make it out unassisted. You can wrap it in a moist paper towel, and take it into a steamy bathroom, and work on chipping away a bit of the shell at a time. If you encounter blood, stop. You will also need to evaluate and see if the yolk is fully absorbed. So, when there's enough exposure to see that, you'll know whether to proceed. So, the blood needs to be absorbed out of the membrane, and the yolk needs to be absorbed before this chick can be helped out of the shell. I'll try to find the thread I read last night that might be very helpful for you.
Look for the thread by Jeepers Peepers on assisted hatch. Good luck.

When you take the chick into the steamy bathroom, you'll need q-tips and warm water so you can moisten the membrane as you go.
The blood is concerning.
I think that it may be shrinkwrapped from the air (cracked like you said) and may not be able to hatch without assistance... especially now that the hole has been made, you are pretty much committed to helping :)
however, much caution is required when choosing to intervene, ESPECIALLY since there is visible blood!

first, the egg cannot get chilled or the chick could die... put it in a warm steamy bathroom and run a space heater with the door closed if you have it. I also set the egg on a heating pad and wrap it in a wet cloth.

you can moisten the membrane using either water OR antibiotic ointment like neosporin WITHOUT pain reliever. if you use water, it should be distilled/boiled and warm not cold. be careful not to drip the water into the beak. I like using antibiotic ointment over water, no dripping.
moistening the membrane will allow you to see all the veins in the membrane. I suspect you will see veins since the chick is bleeding, and you should put it in the incubator and wait longer.

once the veins have receded and you cannot see veins in the moistened membrane area, then it will be ok to proceed with assistance. please read this thread on how to intervene:
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Thanks everyone that was quick! It's in the incubator for now because it's the warmest steamiest place I have. I made a cup of hot water and put it in there for instant warm moist air. I wet my fingers and very gently wet and pulled back the membrane from its face more and it seems to be okay ans resting for now.

Looks red but I saw now actual 'blood'
Looks like you are doing exactly the right thing. Like Farmer Viola said, now that you have started helping, you will have to continue to help. Every hour or so, chip off a bit more shell and pull the membrane back a bit more if there are no veins visible. If you see blood STOP! Keep the chick warm and you will soon have a new baby on your hands!
put water or neosporin on the areas of the membrane that are WHITE. they will become see through so you can see the veins which should be avoided
Now that is has been in the moist incubator awhile the membrane is all clear and wet.. chick seems really good actually
clear membrane is good! no full/active veins visible?

as long as the membrane is kept moistened, the chick can make it out of the shell with how much shell is off
I would put back it in the incubator and let it come out in her own time :)
Congrats! great job!

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