Chick is wobbly, having seizures?!?!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 22, 2010
los angeles, ca
I have a little two week old silver Wyandotte chick. She was being super cuddly with me this evening when I had her and her three other flockmates out after I had cleaned their brooder. Now she is acting strange, wobbly and almost appearing to seize up as she tries to sleep. She is holding her wings out oddly as well.

I have the four chicks in a large tub, with paper towels down that I change daily, chick starter feed, clean water. I have a heat lamp for them, but not a thermometer. I also started giving them greens yesterday, organic spring mix salad that I bought for myself.

Everything has been fine with these chicks, though one of the chicks I initially brought home died within hours of getting it. I figured it was just a fluke since it was only a day old, but now I am all concerned about the chicks. I have only ever raised chicks once before and there was no sickness or fatalities whatsoever, so I am worried!

I have taken the salad out of the brooder. What else should I do beside pray for my most favorite chick?

Also, she is the runt, and earlier she seemed to have lost her appetite a bit.

Thanks for all advice.
I would suggest getting some sav-a-chick electrolytes & vitamins or another similar poultry specific electrolyte & vitamin mix. Holding her wings out might indicate she is overheated, they do that to cool their bodies a little. Maybe the heat lamp is too close? Do they chicks have plenty of room to get away from the heat lamp to a cool space in the brooder?
Thank you for the reply. I will go ahead and get the mix you mentioned. She is just fine this morning thankfully.

They do have a bit of space in the brooder, but I lifted the lamp a bit furth away this morning. I had them out for quite a while before she was acting that way, so maybe she got dehydrated, or tired or stressed from being in a different temperature.

Fingers crossed she is fine!
Another thing, I reread your first post, make sure you have chick grit if you're feeding them anything more than chick feed! I think the sav-a-chick electrolytes will definitely be beneficial to her and all the chicks. I hope she keeps doing well!

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