Chick laying on her side


Mar 25, 2015
Marble Falls, TX
My 4 week old RIR girl has a funny habit. I keep catching her laying almost all the way on her side, legs sprawled out, looks like my dog laying on the couch.

The other chicks all lay like what I would think is "normal" with their feet under them, but not Reba.
I had seen her lay almost normal with one leg out a couple of times early on, but have caught her almost fully sprawled out on her side more recently.

It scared me at first, I thought I had lost her. But each time she jumps up and seems normal, happy and healthy otherwise.

Is this something I should be concerned about? A sign of some trouble or anything? or is it just a funny quirk about her.
Nothing to worry about. Even my big girls will do this when they are out sunbathing. She's just getting comfy.
My 5 week old pullet just started doing this. I really thought she was dying! She just flops over on one side or the other and rubs her head on the ground. I picked her up and checked her over and everything appears fine, and she's eating, drinking, pooping like she should. Is this really normal? It's scary haha
My 5 week old pullet just started doing this. I really thought she was dying! She just flops over on one side or the other and rubs her head on the ground. I picked her up and checked her over and everything appears fine, and she's eating, drinking, pooping like she should. Is this really normal? It's scary haha

She's as normal as any chicken....take that for what it's worth, lol.
My daughter has not spent much time with my chickens as she just recently moved back home. She said "mom, are your chickens allright?" when she saw a couple of them dustbathing and one sunning herself with her leg stretched out behind her and one wing all laid out at a weird angle. These are the chickens that really understand the pleasures in life lol.
My daughter has not spent much time with my chickens as she just recently moved back home. She said "mom, are your chickens allright?" when she saw a couple of them dustbathing and one sunning herself with her leg stretched out behind her and one wing all laid out at a weird angle. These are the chickens that really understand the pleasures in life lol.
So true - we could probably learn a thing or two from them on really living a happy life.....
I love it when one of ours finds that perfect sunny spot and promptly falls over on it's side with one wing stuck up in the air. They close their eyes and for all the world looks like a pile of road killed feathers. If they could smile you just know they would be grinning from ear to ear at that moment,

Yep, chickens have bliss down to a fine art.

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