Chick Order Dreaming



14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
In addition to hatching from my flock, I want to order some additional chicks with the goal of increasing the flock's average egg size, adding more color to my largely pinkish-tan egg basket, and improving the variety of feather patterns down the line (keeping with my no red, no gold rule). I'm mainly looking at Ideal, which has had the best combination of price, shipping minimums, and breed availability for me. (I like the quality of my Welp chicks, but the 5 per breed and 25 total minimums didn't work well).

Right now I'm daydreaming out loud rather than asking for advice/suggestions, but I thought I'd make a thread so I'd remember what I was thinking.

White eggs (pullets):

2 California Whites -- to replace Chipotle, who is in her second year and due to be culled next fall.
Chipotle is both an absolute MACHINE for the laying of 65g eggs, having missed only a few days each month for a full year before entering a hard, fast molt. Ideal says that they have the right to substitute Ideal 236 instead of California White. I asked and they said that I can ask to be notified if the substitution is made. It's possible that those birds might be even better than Chipotle.​

2 Ancona -- for variety in white layers and for their feather pattern.

Brown Eggs(pullets):

2 Black Langshans -- because 2 of the 3 pullets I got last spring were oops cockerels. I'm hoping for the pink/purple eggs.

2 Light Brahmas -- to replace my avatar. If I had no production concerns (we hope to sell eggs), I'd keep nothing but Brahmas because I love their beauty and am a total sucker for feathered feet. Dumpling *ought* to have been culled this fall because she's the worst layer in my flock. My in-town Brahmas laid better.

2 Dark Brahmas -- IMO, the absolute most beautiful hens in existence.

5 French Cuckoo Marans -- because I'm getting gorgeous dark and speckled eggs from the 2 pullets I have. Unfortunately, I don't see them on Ideal's website today. :(


2 French Cuckoo Marans -- see above in re: the pullets.


I'd like to get some kind of blue-egg layer, but can't find any that fit my "no red, no gold" specs at a price point I can afford right now.

We're considering turkeys.
In addition to hatching from my flock, I want to order some additional chicks with the goal of increasing the flock's average egg size, adding more color to my largely pinkish-tan egg basket, and improving the variety of feather patterns down the line (keeping with my no red, no gold rule). I'm mainly looking at Ideal, which has had the best combination of price, shipping minimums, and breed availability for me. (I like the quality of my Welp chicks, but the 5 per breed and 25 total minimums didn't work well).

Right now I'm daydreaming out loud rather than asking for advice/suggestions, but I thought I'd make a thread so I'd remember what I was thinking.

White eggs (pullets):

2 California Whites -- to replace Chipotle, who is in her second year and due to be culled next fall.
Chipotle is both an absolute MACHINE for the laying of 65g eggs, having missed only a few days each month for a full year before entering a hard, fast molt. Ideal says that they have the right to substitute Ideal 236 instead of California White. I asked and they said that I can ask to be notified if the substitution is made. It's possible that those birds might be even better than Chipotle.​

2 Ancona -- for variety in white layers and for their feather pattern.

Brown Eggs(pullets):

2 Black Langshans -- because 2 of the 3 pullets I got last spring were oops cockerels. I'm hoping for the pink/purple eggs.

2 Light Brahmas -- to replace my avatar. If I had no production concerns (we hope to sell eggs), I'd keep nothing but Brahmas because I love their beauty and am a total sucker for feathered feet. Dumpling *ought* to have been culled this fall because she's the worst layer in my flock. My in-town Brahmas laid better.

2 Dark Brahmas -- IMO, the absolute most beautiful hens in existence.

5 French Cuckoo Marans -- because I'm getting gorgeous dark and speckled eggs from the 2 pullets I have. Unfortunately, I don't see them on Ideal's website today. :(


2 French Cuckoo Marans -- see above in re: the pullets.


I'd like to get some kind of blue-egg layer, but can't find any that fit my "no red, no gold" specs at a price point I can afford right now.

We're considering turkeys.
If you order the EEs, you could always sell any that have the colors you don't want. I know you're not looking for suggestions, but figured I'd point that out.

Also Murray McMurray has blue (and black and splash) Ameraucana and the French cuckoos (I think) if you wanted to take advantage of the 6 minimum in april
If you order the EEs, you could always sell any that have the colors you don't want. I know you're not looking for suggestions, but figured I'd point that out.

Also Murray McMurray has blue (and black and splash) Ameraucana and the French cuckoos (I think) if you wanted to take advantage of the 6 minimum in april

I had really wanted the Ideal Marans because I know what their eggs look like.

So why no red/gold birds? I know you said something about improvement, but just curious on why?

Purely aesthetic preference. :)

I don't like the look of red and yellow chickens.

I figure that with the hundreds or thousands of chicken breeds in the world I can indulge my preference in terms of looks while still maintaining a flock of birds that are pretty good layers of large and extra-large eggs in various colors.
Purely aesthetic preference. :)

I don't like the look of red and yellow chickens.

I figure that with the hundreds or thousands of chicken breeds in the world I can indulge my preference in terms of looks while still maintaining a flock of birds that are pretty good layers of large and extra-large eggs in various colors.
Yellow is the result of Gold/Silver split males(Only).

Can't have red without the gold gene.

So you would rather have any color without gold/red? Even blacks, & whites can hide those colors.

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