Chick with strange symptoms


9 Years
Apr 15, 2010
Please help, I need a diagnosis! My sweet silkie chick, whom I just bought a few days ago, is suffering from something I can't identify.

My mother woke up this morning, came outside, and found her lying on her back with her legs up in the air. She came rushing to my bedroom, and woke me up saying that the chick was dying. I wasn't totally convinced, so I held the chick for almost half an hour examining and watching her very closely. She didn't want to stand up, she just wanted to sleep. She kept seeking my hand for warmth, and didn't open her eyes for even a moment. This went on for another half an hour, and she started actually looking better after I put her down. She was opening her eye more, and starting to walk around. She still seems a little lethargic, and still only occasionally will she open her eyes.

And from looking at her, I'm not sure; but I think she isn't putting on enough weight. I'll get pics of her up for you all, and you can share your opinion.
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That same exact thing happened to one of my chicks. I'm not sure how old yours is, but mine was just over 4 days. You'll have to act fast. I would give her a few drops of Polyvisol (baby vitamin) WITHOUT IRON. For my chick, I put the drops into a soda pop bottle lid with a little water and then used a cue tip to drop the mix into its beak. I'm definitely no expert, and I could be waaay off, but that's what I'd do.

I hope she ends up being okay!
Thanks so much, It's nice to have someone else who has experienced this before. Your advice is much appreciated, I'll give it a shot.
It's no problem

Just try to get some extra nutrition into the little gal. At least then you'll know that you did all that you could.
Good luck!

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