Chicken activities

They can get into a lot of trouble! They can squeeze through some pretty small spaces, and can fly sooner than you think. I always stayed outside with them when they were young.

They were easy to catch; they stay close in the beginning, and graduallystray further and further. I credit that to bonding with them as itty bitty chicks. They trusted me and probably thought of me as mom.

It's also useful to train them to come when called. You can use treats like cucumber or lettuce for that. They will associate your call with the treat. Just make sure they have access to chick grit.
They can get into a lot of trouble! They can squeeze through some pretty small spaces, and can fly sooner than you think. I always stayed outside with them when they were young.

They were easy to catch; they stay close in the beginning, and graduallystray further and further. I credit that to bonding with them as itty bitty chicks. They trusted me and probably thought of me as mom.

It's also useful to train them to come when called. You can use treats like cucumber or lettuce for that. They will associate your call with the treat. Just make sure they have access to chick grit.
Gotcha! That is very good to know, I will always stay near them, I was just wondering if that would be a problem. Thank you so much! I think doing calls to get them back will be great!
Side-note, I noticed that you had the two chicken breeds tagged in you profile! Are you selling hatching eggs?
Also, someone earlier on this thread said that buff orpingtons weren't autosexable, is this true?
How early can chicks be sexed? I really want to imprint on them, so if I could get day or two-day old chicks sexed that would be awesome!
Buff Orpingtons are not autosexing.

But you can order sexed chicks from a hatchery, or possibly even buy them at your local feed store.
If you order chicks from a hatchery they will be about three to four days old when they arrive, so they might still imprint on you (how old they are depends on the distance you live from the hatchery - therefore, how long it takes them to be shipped). If you buy them from a local feed store you can probably get them at two days old. Tractor Supply sells Buff Orpingtons sometimes but I can't remember if they're sexed or not.
Buff Orpingtons are not auto sexing. Hatcheries sell day-old, sexed chicks. They use a method called vent sexing, done by experts. There's still a small chance of getting a male, though.

Hatching your own eggs would give you a roughly 50% chance of getting a male. Getting sexed chicks from a hatchery gives you a 90-95% chance of female.
Buff Orpingtons are not auto sexing. Hatcheries sell day-old, sexed chicks. They use a method called vent sexing, done by experts. There's still a small chance of getting a male, though.

Hatching your own eggs would give you a roughly 50% chance of getting a male. Getting sexed chicks from a hatchery gives you a 90-95% chance of female.
Awesome!!! I will look for some in tractor supply/rural king! That is perfect!

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