chicken and dog mix it up


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 23, 2013
I just got a message from a friend who says her sons chicken was attacked by a dog.. She is hurt on her wing, and it's down to the skin.. I told her to separate her from the rest, and to put some first aid ointment on it.. What kind should she use? And should she do any thing else?
I just had a wounded chicken and she's back to health. Here's what I did:
If the skin is broken, run tap water over the wound for 10-15 minutes. Then dilute some betadine until it looks the color of tea and use that to clean the wounds. Dress with something like blu-kote. Then keep her in a warm dark place to let her rest. Make sure she is eating and drinking. I had given mine some yogurt in a syringe (without the needle). It's thick so it wouldn't accidentally go down the wrong pipe. You can also soak some bread in milk. Just keep her eating and drinking, forcing her if needed until she's over shock.

You don't want an ointment such as neosporin. Germs from a dogs mouth like an anaerobic environment which an ointment would provide. Blu-kote dries and lets oxygen get to the wound. It will also dye the wound so other's won't peck at it when she's ready to rejoin the flock.
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