Chicken block swap due June 15th

I wonder how many roosters there will be in this chicken quilt. I have been so busy with the real chickens, quilting has taken a back step. The weather is also wonderful and my vegetables are slowly coming up in the garden except for my tomatoes. I ended up asking hubby to pick up some more tomato seeds as none have come up yet.
Hurrah, finally I have got my first chicken block done. Yes, the chicken is made of elephants! I put the button on as an eye so you've got it but you might like to take it off to quilt, then put it back on. The leg is not brilliant. Should I do two?

Hurrah, finally I have got my first chicken block done. Yes, the chicken is made of elephants! I put the button on as an eye so you've got it but you might like to take it off to quilt, then put it back on. The leg is not brilliant. Should I do two?

Loving it with the great colors! I think the one leg is part of the whimsy of the block.
Hurrah, finally I have got my first chicken block done. Yes, the chicken is made of elephants! I put the button on as an eye so you've got it but you might like to take it off to quilt, then put it back on. The leg is not brilliant. Should I do two?

Love that the chicken is made of elephant fabric! It is folk art in style so the leg looks fine.
Hurrah, finally I have got my first chicken block done. Yes, the chicken is made of elephants! I put the button on as an eye so you've got it but you might like to take it off to quilt, then put it back on. The leg is not brilliant. Should I do two?

@majack love the chicken and one leg is great we can say graceful as an elephant

Iwonderwhy had to drop out of this swap but she will be watching from the sidelines and waiting to join in a future swap, just wanted to let you know so we have 13 for this swap, but remember we are only doing 12 blocks and sending 12 blocks so we will all get 12 blocks but not all the same 12 blocks, now how many did I confuse?

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