Chicken Breed Focus - Ameraucana

We just moved them to the coop for good. We decided to give the others to my cousin since the other hens weren't too friendly to "outsiders". Now they are in a bigger and safer coop. I love these little birds, that have an awesome temperament and they adjust to change quickly even at only 2 months old! 700/flags/LL" style="; width: 350px; height: 467px"> Lovely chicks! Looks like they are enjoying their beautiful new coop! If you haven't already, you might consider closing up the nesting boxes for another six weeks or so until they are old enough to lay, so they don't get in the habit of sleeping in the boxes.
Very pretty EE girls, good luck with them, hope they make a full recovery and thank you with lots of beautiful eggs!

Thank you! They have already started to come around. They are starting to eat out of our hands and not be so freaked out around us. I will post better pictures when their tail feathers grow in. :)
Petunia and Hyacinth. They're hatch mates. I expect Hyacinth to be an olive egger. They're due to lay any day now. They're from a pen containing black copper marans and easter eggers. Just love them. I have a total of 9 of these mixed birds, plus Lucy, from another breeder (I think she's full Ameraucana and part of a BBS hatch, her hatch mate was splash) Lucy and her hatch mate. He sadly died much too young. His heart was enlarged and his body was filled with clear fluid.
Interesting that your white roo died. We lost ours when he was 7 months old. Thought he had a sour or impacted crop but ultimately think it might've been livery failure as he was jaundiced. I wonder if there is something about that color like a lot of white breed dogs have issues or maybe it's just coincidence.
What a beautiful chick @lizzychick , thanks for sharing the photo!

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