Chicken Breed Focus - Ameraucana

What an absolutely adorable chick! I can see why she is the family favorite! (Great pictures!) Looks like she is a black? She should lay you lots of blue eggs!

So you are predicting black? Oh no, my OCD will not like that!! Lol! I ordered the chicks I did for a wide variety of egg colors and a wide variety of plumage. Looks like instead of having a black hen, a blue hen and a blue laced red hen, I'll have 3 black hens...BORING! Just kidding. ...a little. At least I still should get a variety of eggs.

:barnie. :th

Isn't that always the way it goes! You should have a wide variety of egg colors! She does look like a black from those pictures to me... sometimes the blues are pretty dark, but they usually look grayish to some extent rather than "black". You might try posting in the What Breed/Gender forum for input about her color, there is a BBS Ameraucana thread but it isn't very active.
Isn't that always the way it goes! You should have a wide variety of egg colors! She does look like a black from those pictures to me... sometimes the blues are pretty dark, but they usually look grayish to some extent rather than "black". You might try posting in the What Breed/Gender forum for input about her color, there is a BBS Ameraucana thread but it isn't very active.

Excellent idea, I'll get some better pics and post there. Thanks
Question about leg color... Just hatched some chicks from eggs that were sold as Wheaton Ameraucana. Eggs were a nice blue. But my chicks have yellow legs (They are now about 2.5 weeks old).

Did I get EEs, or do their legs change color / darken as they age?

If they are EEs, I'm going to be a bit confused.. Because I know the lady who sold me the eggs and I am certain she knows the difference between EE and Ameraucana...

Some colors seem to have light legs at hatch that darken gradually (if you looks at the chick pics on the Ameraucana breed club website, the young Blue Wheaten chicks have light/yellow legs) You might try posting on the breeder/owner thread for input could be just a fault in the line, or they just need more time.
I got my first ever backyard flock, and they just moved out to their coop. I have two that I bought as chicks from the local feed store and they were listed as ameracacauna(Easter egger). So I'm not sure what they really are, but I love them! They're the bosses of the younger three, but they'll all get together for mealworm time. Clover is the ameracauna in the back. The one in front is a silver laced Wyandotte. Loving this chicken raising thing so far!

Cute chick! Sounds like you have a nice little flock! Your girls are Easter Eggers, the feed stores pretty much never have "true" Ameraucana available. EEs are wonderful birds, they should be good layers of colorful eggs for you.

And Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC!

Hi there. This is whitie 5 weeks old. hatched 7 of 8 blue amerucana eggs with a old cooler and a heating pad and lots of turning of the eggs but it worked. There very calm. Have 14 hens. 6 ameraucana hens 2 Blue Wheetin 3 Brown Wheetin 1 white and 1 Black white roo kept for new stock. They are in with the rest of the flock 4 RIR hens 1 roo RIR and 4 BR hens. All live in harmony. All free range every day. We Love our Cana's added new colors and life to the farm for a change. Today I just recievd 8 aruacana bantam blue eggs this time I have an incubator. Can't wait to see what I got. Good cluck to all.

Pretty chick! Wonderful hatching job you did there, that is a great hatch percentage! Sounds like you have a nice assorted flock. Good luck with the bantam hatch!
I've really been enjoying see all the Ameraucana bird photos (and hope to see more) but could someone please post a photo of the blue eggs they are getting from these girls?
X2 Yes, please! We have to see some of those gorgeous eggs too.
Here was the first egg I received from my hen when she began laying! In comparison to one of my Buff Orpington's egg... From then on, my Ameraucana hen has laid very light 'Robin Egg Blue' colored eggs just about every other day or so.
Beautiful egg! She did her breed proud!

Good morning. Here's some blue Araucana bantams egg's getting ready for incubation. I googled the earlobs on a chicken and seems to me it is from the silky and I didn't know that.
I think it's very unique trait of the EE's. Could be in the blood line? Cause looks like not all EE's have them. Neat. Have a great day to all and Good Cluck.

Good luck with the hatch!

Hello again. Not blue colored eggs but nice turquoise color. It's a set of Cream legbar's in the incubator. 10 more days. New chix. These chix will be auto sexing by a yellow dot on the heads is what I understand. I'll find out soon enough. Put these one on your list too. They are so beautiful. The hens have a little feather crest or looks like a hair due. Fun fun.

Good luck with the Legbar hatch, another wonderful colored egg layer!

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