Chicken Breed Focus - Ameraucana

mine is from the murray mcmurray hatchery and they say ...
Are these true araucanas? If they are they do not have these have tails? We are only want true aracuanas.
No, ours are Ameraucanas. We do not hatch the true Araucana breed.
Hi all so im up for the challenge lol this is my 12 week old Ameraucana , yes ? her name is Peggy Sue she is the shiest of my 3 pullets although she is the largest and oldest.
Peggy Sue is adorable. You have a pretty setup there, too. Love the barn red coop:) How does Peggy Sue adapt being afraid of the others. We are having some issues with our newest chicken, Diva. She's a Mille Fleur Old English bantam cross, and is smaller than our other hens. She is sooo afraid of the others and our bantam Frizzle roo, that she will not stay near any of them so she goes off by herself when she's free ranging; and she runs away and squawks like mad when the roo tries to go for her or the alpha hen goes after her. Lately she's been flying over the gated area into our back yard to expand her own space. I wouldn't mind but I'm afraid she'll start venturing farther as our back yard isn't secured by fencing which she'd probably fly over too; and we live in a regular neighborhood so can't have her ending up out front. I tried putting a good sized board up on the gate (it's only a 3'tall gate) but it didn't deter her. Funny thing is she never free ranged at her previous home. I don't want to clip her wing bc first the shape of the Old English wings are different and would look ugly and I'm afraid if I take the wind out of her sails, it would make her so unhappy. As it is she stopped laying eggs and I'm certain it's bc she's too afraid to go into the coop nest box for long enough to relax even though she sleeps on the roost at night with the other hens. She's not called Diva without reason. Lol
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mine is from the murray mcmurray hatchery and they say ... Are these true araucanas? If they are they do not have these have tails? We are only want true aracuanas.
No, ours are Ameraucanas. We do not hatch the true Araucana breed.
ungortunatrly, Hatcheries such as this continue to misrepresent the birds that they sell. ...regardless of what they claim, the birds are not true Ameraucana.
Here's a pic of our Americauna, Goldie, on the far right.
she is not afraid just the most submissive. she is timid of noise or people or an open door lol. She needs the leader (a plymouth rock) to show her the way .
Goldie is an Easter Egger. There is no such breed as Americauna. It's very common for Easter Eggers to be sold as Americauna. It's an intentional misspelling, used to fool unsuspecting buyers. The proper name for the breed is Ameraucana. 
Thanks for correcting my mispelling of Ameraucana. We thought she was one bc that's what we were told by the previous owner who runs a feed store; and she lays blue eggs. Funny bc I said my next hen will be an EE. Guess I can find another breed now instead. It really doesn't matter to me bc we love our chickens and they are all happy and healthy--well except for maybe Diva who's still trying to find her niche here:)
I have a trio of young blacks, a wheaten roo, a blue wheaten hen and a wheaten who is quite a bit lighter than the other roo
I will add pictures of them to this thread later

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