Chicken Breed Focus - Barnevelder

I got 2 barnevelder chicks for my broody silver laced Wyandotte hen and they’re pulleys now!



They’re so big and cute!

I love barnevelders and all of the others on this forum are so pretty and I can’t wait till mine are all big as hens.
Hello fellow Barnie lovers!! After researching this wonderful breed I purchased 2 for my flock as day olds. Unfortunately one was a gold laced Wyandotte which has turned out to be a beautiful and awesome pullet. The other one is a blue Barnevelder and she is starting to come into nice color. Bunny Blue is her name, she is the most flighty and skittish out of my entire flock. I spend many hours daily with my chicks and even my accidental Roo, a WFBS is a lap chicken but not Bunny. She will climb up and sit in my legs but freaks out if I try to pet her. I think she’s going to be a beauty and I love her the way she is. Here she is about 2 weeks ago bout 7 weeks or so old. The other is Tammy Wyandotte the GLW


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I am DEFINITELY planning on getting some for the colors and eggs! If I get to it this year :fllol
All of your birds are beautiful! Would someone post a picture of their eggs? That’s the main reason I want some to add some gorgeous colors to our cartons in the future.
I’m thinking of cooper Marans but wanting to know what their eggs look like.
Thank you!
@Chicka_deee Here are 2 photos for color. The first is the ones I put in the incubator last night. The 6 to the left of the line are Barnevelders, they very in color a bit and some have lots of speckles. Those are from 2 of my barnies, the 3rd on lays lighter colored eggs. The dark one to the right are BCM eggs so you can compare how dark they are.

The second is a basket of lots of our eggs so you can compare to other shades and colors.

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