Chicken Breed Focus - d'Uccle bantams


Now that's a tough question...I think it more depends on the individual temperament. Most of my duccle roosters have been very docile, but our original two roosters were little devils and had to be put down because they were a threat to my younger siblings. I have not had a single aggressive duccle since than. Gizmo was raised by a broody hen and hardly handled as a chick, and despite that, he is very docile. My other rooster Pinto, and pinto's father Garbonzo were both hand raised and handled a lot as chicks and they are more skiddish and jumpy. So there definitely is a lot of personality variation. I agree with you that a breeder probably would not keep an aggressive rooster, hard to handle rooster around. My advise would be pick them up and hold them a lot. Let them eat out of your hand. You want them to see you as their caretaker and NOT another rooster. Hopefully they will both turn out nice, docile roosters!

Great answer! Thank you!
We hold our 9 baby boys ALL the time, and in fact, they're quite docile and friendly. The two Mille Fleurs have always been the first to jump into my hand for love and snuggles. I know that can change with maturity, so fingers crossed.

, Gizmo's one handsome guy! :drool :lau

I must ask you, how are their temperaments overall for a rooster? I'm really hoping Piranha and Barracuda turn out to be nice boys. Would the fact that they came from a breeder who selects for show-quality birds make any difference when it comes to dispositions? My logic, I guess, is that a judge couldn't handle an aggressive roo during a show.

Temperament is part of their breed standard. You do not breed to a vicious roo.
I can't believe i missed this when it was posted. I have millie fleurs and black mottleds. Yay me! I wasn't too enthusiatic about the black mottled but DH liked the look of them. So, we got a few chicks from the same breeder that sold us the millie fleur chicks.
Here is my pretty little cockerel. He still has some growing to do.

These are my 2 Bantam D'uccles: Daisy and Sophia. Got them 2 months ago at TSC swap. They still live in a rabbit cage on top of my dog kennel in my kitchen ( initially to quarantine) and now until their smaller coop is finished. My 4 BSL are really big next to these 2, and we tried over and over to get them to live harmoniously, but they are getting picked on bad by 1-2 of them big gals. One really goes after them, pecking and picking them up roughly. Not going to terrorize these 2 sweeties, so they get to have their own little area. Originally it was to be our "yard tractor" for the other gals, it just never got wheels. So it's easy to re-purpose for their run/coop.

I just have the two. There was a third, but he was an older rooster who had dreams of grandure. He slipped into the pen of my Splash Ameraucan roo and didn't make it out.

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