Chicken Breed Focus - Sebright

Our sebrights love bananas and tonight I had some fun feeding them! I wasn't even ready yet and they jumped up and bit it out of my hand(they free range) so I turned on cam and this is what i got!


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Sebrights are unique birds, my sebrights and sebright mixes seem to prefer to hang out with one another instead of the other chickens. However, they do hang out with other bantams if raised with them. They also love to fly up high, ours go up into the rafters and hay loft of the barn.

Sebrights are pretty good layers as far as bantams go, but likely won't start laying until 20-28 weeks of age.

X2. Mine started laying at about 20 weeks and that was the height of summer. I have an enclosed coop but they really enjoy all the high places.

Yes, bananas are a favorite treat around here, too!
Our sebrights love bananas and tonight I had some fun feeding them! I wasn't even ready yet and they jumped up and bit it out of my hand(they free range) so I turned on cam and this is what i got!
That's cute. I'll have to try banana again. (Tried once & mine didn't really go for it.) Most of the flock here will jump for bread.

I really like the way your golden sebrights look.
That's cute. I'll have to try banana again. (Tried once & mine didn't really go for it.) Most of the flock here will jump for bread.

I really like the way your golden sebrights look.

Thank you! Our ratio is currently terrible, 4 roos to 3 hens and one baby just hatched(unknown sex)...We'll keep them all as long as they don't fight each other, they already run the entire yard chasing ducks and other free rangers LOL, until we can build up to a better ratio...They are some of the sweetest, smallest birds we have with Jersey Giant sized attitudes! Next spring we plan to introduce silver laced as well...
Thank you! Our ratio is currently terrible, 4 roos to 3 hens and one baby just hatched(unknown sex)...We'll keep them all as long as they don't fight each other, they already run the entire yard chasing ducks and other free rangers LOL, until we can build up to a better ratio...They are some of the sweetest, smallest birds we have with Jersey Giant sized attitudes! Next spring we plan to introduce silver laced as well...

Cute video! And I have just the opposite of you, 4 hens and 3 roos. Just 8 weeks old, and I was hoping for 5/2, but the one I was unsure about finally revealed his red comb. How old are yours?
Our sebrights love bananas and tonight I had some fun feeding them! I wasn't even ready yet and they jumped up and bit it out of my hand(they free range) so I turned on cam and this is what i got!
Mine loves them, too! Unfortunately, so does my peacock and that's a battle my little guy just doesn't engage in. :)
Thank you! Our ratio is currently terrible, 4 roos to 3 hens and one baby just hatched(unknown sex)...We'll keep them all as long as they don't fight each other, they already run the entire yard chasing ducks and other free rangers LOL, until we can build up to a better ratio...They are some of the sweetest, smallest birds we have with Jersey Giant sized attitudes! Next spring we plan to introduce silver laced as well...

I have four young sebright mixes that have run of the yard. While I do have multiple other hens, in that mini-flock I only have one hen to three roosters. However, so far, none of the roosters are fighting, which is nice. They love to follow me around and are really talkative.

I call them the Twilights

I have four young sebright mixes that have run of the yard. While I do have multiple other hens, in that mini-flock I only have one hen to three roosters. However, so far, none of the roosters are fighting, which is nice. They love to follow me around and are really talkative.

I call them the Twilights

They are gorgeous!

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