Chicken Breed Focus - Sebright

It is, unless my SDW OEGB roo had lingering genes in there. It came from a GS egg for sure, but they were with my SDWs for a brief time. I do have one that is showing silver around the eyes instead of gold, but all the others are looking pure golden. :fl

7 have hatched so far, 2 to go, 3 SDWs with one left to go. :)
So I have an issue I hope someone here can give me some reasoning for. My 4 golden sebrights just started laying a few weeks ago (can't remember exactly how long now) and I was actually getting 3-4 eggs per day for quite a while. All of a sudden, last week, they quit altogether. Have not gotten an egg from any of them in a week! What's up with that?

We did have a cold snap, so I'm hoping it will pick back up, now that the weather appears to be turning around.
So I have an issue I hope someone here can give me some reasoning for. My 4 golden sebrights just started laying a few weeks ago (can't remember exactly how long now) and I was actually getting 3-4 eggs per day for quite a while. All of a sudden, last week, they quit altogether. Have not gotten an egg from any of them in a week! What's up with that?

We did have a cold snap, so I'm hoping it will pick back up, now that the weather appears to be turning around.
If something changes in their environment, hens can go on an egg strike. I have English Orpingtons which are known for this behavior, but I'm sure other chicks do it as well. When I got rid of the extra roos, they stopped laying. When a hawk hung around to terrorize the flock, they stopped laying. When I set up breeding pens, they stopped laying. When I rehomed a bully hen, they stopped laying. (You'd think they should have thanked me!) When there was too much snow to go outside..... When I sold a batch of chicks..... I think you get the idea. Mine don't stop completely, but I can go from 8 eggs per day down to 2 eggs if they dislike a change.

The other common reasons could be if they're going broody or starting to molt.
So I have an issue I hope someone here can give me some reasoning for. My 4 golden sebrights just started laying a few weeks ago (can't remember exactly how long now) and I was actually getting 3-4 eggs per day for quite a while. All of a sudden, last week, they quit altogether. Have not gotten an egg from any of them in a week! What's up with that?

We did have a cold snap, so I'm hoping it will pick back up, now that the weather appears to be turning around.

My goldens are doing the exact same thing. The week before last I was getting 7-9 eggs per day from 10 birds (9 sebright + 1 leghorn? bantam). Now I get 2-3 eggs, I've got the third one in the broody buster since last week with three more sitting on fake eggs and growling.
Any sign of broodiness in yours?
No changes, no broodiness at all, and no noticeable molting yet. I have to think its our weather change. My OEGBs, silkies, and cochin have slacked off some, but not totally stopped like the sebrights have.
The boys are still mating them, I haven't changed feed or anything, or noticed any other differences.
No changes, no broodiness at all, and no noticeable molting yet. I have to think its our weather change. My OEGBs, silkies, and cochin have slacked off some, but not totally stopped like the sebrights have.
The boys are still mating them, I haven't changed feed or anything, or noticed any other differences.

Could be. I was certainly shocked at the cold days and snow after spring seemed a sure thing. :)
Greetings folks ! Just a photo update of birds. I think I have 5 Roos and one hen . Ugh , I have at least 16 Roos with another breed that I got the same day :(
Anyway here they are :)










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