Chicken Breed Focus - Welsummer

It's a terrific feeling when a bird trusts you enough to sleep on your lap. And I find it very calming too. I have a red sex link that has adopted me as her person and she is a cuddler.
Will white plastic eggs work in a nest with Welsummers? I couldn't find brown ones at Walmart.

Lol. I used dollar store multi color plastic Easter eggs filled with sand and super glued shut. I've also used golf balls. Color doesn't matter. I never did before untill I had a bunch of golden comet pullets eating their eggs, I use them more for a egg eating deterrent.

We've had a pair of Welsummers (hen Coco and roo Leo) for 3 years. They're very sweet, lovable and beautiful. If you look up info about the wild Red Jungle Fowl, their plumage is almost the same as the Welsummer, right down to the fine gold feather filaments on the hen, and the fluffy grey patch at the base of the male's tail. Leo has had some kind of leg issue since he was young, that we haven't heard of elsewhere. He seems irritated by some feeling in his legs, and he often stretches or kind of kicks to apparently relieve the irritation. But his legs seem quite strong, and this doesn't seem to affect his running or walking. He also has chronic large scaly/callused spots on several toes. Other than that, both of ours seem quite strong, independent, calm, and healthy.
Leo loves being held, manipulated, and massaged. He'll drape his neck over our arm and lie there completely relaxed, for an hour at a time when we're available. He's a bit mean toward one of our hens, and has abused her fairly badly a few times. Other than that he's a gentleman, watchdog, and gorgeous bird. Occasionally he'll make a threatening pose toward a person, esp. a stranger, but he's never really attacked anyone. Good, because he's quite large and strong.
Coco is fairly quiet, very calm, confident, unflappable. A very nice lap chicken.
We would recommend this breed, along with the smart, reliable, friendly Ameraucana. Coco's dark brown eggs are nice, too. I wouldn't say she's an exceptional layer, but reliable, and we're more interested in free-range pet qualities - friendliness, personality, independence, and long lifespan.
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This is my welsummer. At least that is what the concensus is regarding her. I rescued she(Miss Prissy), and the white leghorn(Foggy)in the first picture. They were in a shed with 14 barred rocks of the same age. From their size and feathering, I think they are the same age as the flock of 6 that I have raised from chicks. The others I already had are 2 barred rocks(Ethel Mertz, and Betty Rubble). 2 RIR(Lucille Ball, and Wilma Flinstone). 1 SLW(Chicken Noodle). 1 Buff Orpington(Chicken Nugget). They are all around 11 weeks. Miss Prissy takes care of Foggy who is picked on by some of my other pullets. I also noticed that when I got Miss Prissy she was missing some of her saddle feathers. My original chickens got along well before the 2 new additions. It's been 2 weeks since they were introduced and it gets better everyday. She loves to be held. I can't wait to see what she looks like full grown. All of my hens are going to be beautiful!
This is my welsummer. At least that is what the concensus is regarding her. I rescued she(Miss Prissy), and the white leghorn(Foggy)in the first picture. They were in a shed with 14 barred rocks of the same age. From their size and feathering, I think they are the same age as the flock of 6 that I have raised from chicks. The others I already had are 2 barred rocks(Ethel Mertz, and Betty Rubble). 2 RIR(Lucille Ball, and Wilma Flinstone). 1 SLW(Chicken Noodle). 1 Buff Orpington(Chicken Nugget). They are all around 11 weeks. Miss Prissy takes care of Foggy who is picked on by some of my other pullets. I also noticed that when I got Miss Prissy she was missing some of her saddle feathers. My original chickens got along well before the 2 new additions. It's been 2 weeks since they were introduced and it gets better everyday. She loves to be held. I can't wait to see what she looks like full grown. All of my hens are going to be beautiful!
Looks like a Wellie to me. She's a pretty girl
Thanks Bwalden! I think so too. She has gotten some new feathers at the base of her tail now so she is looking a lot better than when I got her. And she is getting along with her other sisters better . The evil step-sisters have also stopped picking on Foggy the longhorn too.
I have my first Welsummer hen and she just began to lay yesterday. She is beautiful but her egg is not as dark as I thought it would be. Will the eggs get darker as they get larger. I have a RI Red that is the same age and lays a much darker brown egg. I have the eggs pictured. The darker is my one RIR egg. I thought the Welsummer egg would be that dark or darker.

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