Chicken Breed Focus - Welsummer


Just had my 7 wellies arrive this morning! Can't wait to watch them grow up!
Please help! Trying to figure out what this little one is!! Is this a Welsummer?
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One of the things I enjoy about my 1 Welsummer is that her eggs are always different. They're all a nice brown with speckles and splotches but they differ from day to day. These are all from the same girl (the one at the top of the photo was her 1st egg):
I'm a first-time chicken owner and I have one in my little flock. She's only a little over a week or so, but she's definitely full of personality. We just added her to the others we've had for a week and she fit right in. I can't wait to see them all grow. :)
I'm a first-time chicken owner and I have one in my little flock. She's only a little over a week or so, but she's definitely full of personality. We just added her to the others we've had for a week and she fit right in. I can't wait to see them all grow. :)

I hope you enjoy your Wellie as much as I do mine!
I just got 7 2.5 year old welsummers about 4 weeks ago. they are the sweetest things, but they have not started to lay yet. I do have other chickens already I was introducing them too and a rooster. the lady that I got them from said they had not been with a rooster before so that would be new for them. I know new environment and new conditions would cause stress and delay them laying I was just curious if anyone has had the same experience. I also gave one of them to a friend and she said hers has already started laying.
I just got 7 2.5 year old welsummers about 4 weeks ago. they are the sweetest things, but they have not started to lay yet. I do have other chickens already I was introducing them too and a rooster. the lady that I got them from said they had not been with a rooster before so that would be new for them. I know new environment and new conditions would cause stress and delay them laying I was just curious if anyone has had the same experience. I also gave one of them to a friend and she said hers has already started laying.

First let me say...:welcome

It can take them time to settle in to a new place. If they are molting, they don't lay (I haven't had an egg from my girl for about 3 months). Also, depending on if your daylight hours are short, they won't lay or won't lay often.

Bottom line is...chickens lay when they are good and ready :D

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