Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?


Hi there, its been a while hope you are well - after losing my entire family it has taken time to get my act together but felt BYC are always there for you.

There is a new guy at the vet you use in Bryanston he is simply the nicest best chicken doctor ever and so kind. He has all the vaccinations you need. Just done mine again. I donated Henry to him as a 'vet pet' because he got so aggressive and I couldn't put him down and the new vet said he as such a superb Rooster he would love him just to run around in their back.

Anyway hope that helps.
Hey guys,

Currently breeding black Ameraucana's and have ostrich eggs and chicks available in the Gauteng Area..
oh well don't speak to me... for the record its just typical of South Africans when **** hits the fan you all back off .. no wonder our country is a mess...

@Gwyllm Good for Raptor I'm so glad he is living up to his father's reputation..
Hi @whoop whoop sorry not to get back to you sooner, just been really busy, was out of town in the cape for the last week, guess everyone's just busy as well. Sorry to hear that about Henry, but at least he got a good home. I met the new vet in Bryanston some time ago with one of my girls, she had coccidiosis. I think that the Pekins are cheeky little buggers, Raptor got through and had a horrible fight with my Orpington roo, so I had to separate them. I have a spare roo if you need a replacement for Henry (his grand"son") . Thanks for the recommendation.

A couple of my Orpington hens went broody so I have now hatched out 9 chicks, 7 of which have turned out to be boys, so if anyone needs they need but ask :lol: all boys are barred.
@Gwyllm Thanks but have now got Sebrights and original pekins' I am sorry to hear abou Raptor but they are aggressive I never realised how much. Think they have small 'male' issues.
@whoop whoop that sounds great, I love the sebrights, the laced birds have always been my favourite regardless of breed, though I couldn't have them here because I hear they fly very well, which wouldn't work with my dogs.
Must add though that of all my mistakes starting out with chooks getting the orpingtons wasn't one of them. They are incredibly robust and lay very well. Had two of three go broody and hatch a clump of eggs, all of which hatched and survived. Get an egg just about every day from each of them until they went broody, at least 6 a week.
@ Gwyllm I think your Buff's sound amazing are they also bantam or large. Yes it's true Sebright's do fly but mine seem to have stopped it.
Think they are happy in their home,also had a couple of run ins with the dogs but now everyone seems to get on. The dogs have better things to do at the moment like chasing builders, painters, plummer's etc.

What did you think of the new vet? I like him a lot and think he is very good - know's his stuff and genuinely likes birds. Did he fix your sick chook?
@whoop whoop they are full sized, I enjoy having the big fluffy pillows, bit easier to manage as well for me. I quit liked the new vet, also a new lady there who seems good with birds, they were a great help with my girls, also taught me some useful things which got the flock doing a bit better, and increased laying tenfold. I'm considering building Raptor a nice new big area so he can do his thing. I think though that I'll soon need a farm for all my chooks :D
@Gwyllm yes I know what you mean about the farm thing, its getting about out of hand here too - looks like I have a huge batch of babies coming.

Have to take my sebright to the vet, think there is an egg stuck or she is constipated not sure which. Hope he is open tomorrow..

Isn't the weather wonderful, bought myself an apple tree today so happy
@whoop whoop, it was a very nice day, we started a whole veggie farm at my house, got about 12 fruit trees now in the last 5 months or so :rolleyes: truly time to get a farm :D

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