Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

No I live in Durban, luckily I live in a big place with no nabours so the only people I have to keep happy are my parents
I wish for a big place with no neighbours. I would like a cow or two to add to the chickens. What breeds do you keep? Will we be seeing you at the show in April?
Oh yes, trying to convince my mom to get a few peakocks and some pigs even (always wanted one
) I breed mixed breeds, mine are quite mixes and special but I think beautiful. Actually this is the first I've heard of that show but would love to look into it!
It is a small show but the ideal chance to get to know some breeders. It is on the 11th of April at the Royal show grounds in PMB. I you want more details pm me your email adress and I wil forward you al the details
Hello Wonderful people of South Africa!

I am having a great run on my 100 egg capacity Incubators.
I have 4 of them and I Basically hatch 1 Incubator every week. I get more or less 65-70 chicks if I fill them to maximum (100 eggs).
I'm currently only hatching Buff Orpingtons and selling at R15 day old.

I plan on expanding a teeny weeny bit by buying a larger automatic Incubator.
I would however prefer to start with broiler eggs as it's a faster seller. The only issue i'm having right now is sourcing fertile broiler eggs. It's close to impossible here in East London.

Even if it means purchasing Broiler layers....

Thank you guys

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