Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

Hee hee I made the sign. It's my business (signage/printing tshirts etc). Have vinyl cutter so had to make it. Wait until I have decorated it fully.
We haven't got mongoose here that ive ever noticed but we do have monkeys and they have been all over it sussing it out. This cook is my cheap temporary one to see how things go. I have a proper nice wooden one in the plans for when my dad gets back (and when hubby is sold on the idea of having chooks. Right now he's humoring me)
Thats great! Well done! And don't worry, people can't help but love chickens as you know as soon as they get to know them. And hubby will have the extra egg benefit so I'm sure he'll love them and start building himself soon! haha!
Hey everyone, so nice to see all this activity! And more people loving and keeping chooks! I love that doting father roo, so so sweet. and so sorry you lost him.
I hope you have some of his progeny?
Talking about rain.. it was raining so hard here last week my whole back garden was flooded and my sweet Bun was trapped in the dog kennel! I came home and called her and she would scream but I couldnt see her anywhere. Then I went around the corner and she was standing in the door of the dog kennel which was surrounded by water, so I had to go rescue her. Both of them were soaked, too, so they spent the evening standing in front of the fire preening.. so cute. She obviously didnt realize the house would have been the better shelter - I leave the door open with the trellidor closed, where they can just squeeze through, so they can get to their egg laying box inside. and chill in the lounge and watch TV. I know.. I'm nuts. I do actually leave the TV on for them when I lock them in the house..what can I say..

@whoop whoop thats such a pretty cat! is that the one that got caught? he looks like he's fine again? And yes, mealworms are great, no danger.. just make sure they dont get overweight.. I think I said that before.. Just because my bantam orps are prone to being grossly obese! haha
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Hi everyone, can't wait for Friday, I'm going to go gets my Cochins, @whoop whoop, some playmates for Raptor
Ok so cool,by the way the vaccination I gave you could you just let me know what is exactly on the bottle, because I think it was only for Newcastles and want to do Brochcitus as well before I go to UK,, sometimes they are joint and not sure if the vet gave me the right one. Poor Raptor he won't know what has hit him with lots of girls -or maybe I should say lucky Raptor, hope he has been a good roo!!
You have just have to post some pics of the new girls...

Please excuse my language but those b*****y F*****g S*****g vagrants laid snares again, Roo (cat) came in eventually, his leg was so swollen last night after R1230 at the vet and shaved leg they found a fine piece of wire wrapped round his forlock whch I missed. I swear I am going to be out there with the shotgun, night vision and plenty of dum dums and calling on Macksy to help as she is police

I WILL get them, the worst thing is they are trapping the last of our guinea fowl !!! Anyway cat is ok but could have been really bad..
Please excuse my language but those b*****y F*****g S*****g vagrants laid snares again, Roo (cat) came in eventually, his leg was so swollen last night after R1230 at the vet and shaved leg they found a fine piece of wire wrapped round his forlock whch I missed. I swear I am going to be out there with the shotgun, night vision and plenty of dum dums and calling on Macksy to help as she is police

I WILL get them, the worst thing is they are trapping the last of our guinea fowl !!! Anyway cat is ok but could have been really bad..
I Know the feeling @whoop whoop , we had snares too, luckily tho our pets were not harmed, but we now have no steenbuck or duiker left anymore. buggers
I Know the feeling @whoop whoop , we had snares too, luckily tho our pets were not harmed, but we now have no steenbuck or duiker left anymore. buggers
Yep they get our duiker too, buggers is too nice but yeah Buggers - if our bloody Gov would pull their finger out and get this country organised maybe just maybe we wouldn't have all these randoms floating about and our game could live in peace.

Just as a matter of interest what type chooks do you think live at Inkandla?
@hedz82 so sorry to hear about the rain and Bun shame .. I think its just too sweet you leave it open for them, Can't do that here Gods knows what would float in and what they would float out with......
Yep they get our duiker too, buggers is too nice but yeah Buggers - if our bloody Gov would pull their finger out and get this country organised maybe just maybe we wouldn't have all these randoms floating about and our game could live in peace.

Just as a matter of interest what type chooks do you think live at Inkandla?

@whoop whoop unfortunately I would prob be banned for using the words that come to mind lol

well considering they seem to enjoy paying 10 times the price for what you actually getting i think there is only 1 choice for Nkandla chickens, it has to be this completely black one, only $2500 each.
@whoop whoop unfortunately I would prob be banned for using the words that come to mind lol

well considering they seem to enjoy paying 10 times the price for what you actually getting i think there is only 1 choice for Nkandla chickens, it has to be this completely black one, only $2500 each.

brilliant chook by the way, want one... is he anything like the one your friend has?? so cool

Apologies for miss spelling Nkandla! not..

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