Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

CF no hope of coming soon - having to put parents in a nursing home and sell their house. On a lighter note hubby has gone ballistic with my chooks and built a gravel area for them and put in a bug farm and and and ......he has definitely got the bug. Up 'till now he has been saying to me 'those chooks better lay golden eggs they cost so much' lol

Lots of luck with turkeys, I am sure all the UK chickens will be out of moult by the time for me to come home ... hubby applied for import has to go thru poutry assoc huge mission but will persist.
miss ZA so much with all its probs
no country like it
Hey, sorry to hear about your parents. at least they're still together? are you bringing eggs over? wow thats exciting! what breed? sure your chooks miss you loads! love that hubby is just as much of an addict! chooks are just irresistable!
I think you should bring over some of those black Ayam Cemani..and some nice blue-egg laying Araucanas..I am carried away here..
@whoop whoop , sounds like you have a ton on your plate , i'm sure it will fly by and before you know it you will be home with hands full of eggs lol , your hubby is a legend for going thru all of that, and it is awesome that the bug has bitten him , maybe we will see him on here one day lol.
hey whoop whoop, everyone is well. I think its time for deworming again soon. had some really nice warm days and now rain again. the chooks are displeased there is no lawn left in my garden, its basically a mud-pit. as soon as all the building is done, I am getting roll-on Berea. so in the meantime i feed them broccoli, lettuce and spinach. half my poor bushes have been defoliated up to a foot high by them. I think they are secretly half-goats, half-chicken..woofs are well, not happy about the rain..
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I so agree Colin Fow!!
I think its going to be more like suitcases full of eggs though..
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Oooh this chicken keeping thing is sooo much fun. My girls are now about 13 weeks old and spoilt rotten! I make them "porridge" out of their pellets with sour milk and ferment their food once a week... less mess and wastage. Daily salad bar for supper and 2 spades of weedy sod from garden daily to scratch around in and enjoy. 3 out of the 4 now climb onto my lap for a "cuddle". By the time these girls are laying I fully expect diamond eggs not even gold. oh and I have a new worm farm in the growing. Far too much fun being had.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone. Spring seems to have arrived.
Hello Peepz...

I am busy constructing a few very large coops for fertile eggs I require...

I will need some breeding stock very soon... I plan on housing a few good fast selling breeds...


Also anyone who could supply me an entire breeding flock at reasonable rates. Alternatively I do not mind purchasing the fertile eggs and raising them myself.

I am in East London and I do not mind paying transport.

hereunder are some pics of my new coop (still under construction)


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