Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

It's been a hectic week. My 4 week old Golden Buff chicks started pecking each other & I had to separate each little monster. 52 of them! Their feed was too low in protein and as soon as I changed that they were fine. Treated each ones wounds with penicillin and really happy that all survived.

Hi everyone,

its been a while so thought I would just pop in and say hello , and just for fun here's a video of what it looks like letting our 8 week olds out in the morning, crazy bunch of chooks lol
Hi, I'm in Kempton Park, Bonaero Park. I want to have some chickens in my backyard. still researching the neighborhood bylaws on having chickens in a freestanding stand in Bonaero park. Someone said if its only a few it shouldn't be a problem. Anybody knows anything about this? Thanks.
Hello all,
I'm new to keeping chickens. We live south of Durban on a farm. I am interested in getting some Wyandottes or other large breed chickens. Does anyone know of a breeder nearby? I'd love to hear from other chicken people in my general area too. : )
Hi Teachnkids,

Carin breeds Partridge Brahmas, on this forum. They're a lovely docile big breed, especially nice for kids as they like to be held.

Found this chap in my coop today, he munched all 14 eggs my hen was sitting on! :he
Hi teachnkids. Welcome!!! I also live south of Durban
the availability of big breeds is rather minimal here, although I know someone who wants to rectify that. At the moment main breed to buy that is often readily available are rhode island reds and hylines. I have 4 rir girls.
OrangeGrove, thank you for the information. I'll have to look into Partridge Brahmas. I must admit I know absolutely nothing about them at this time. Right now I have Light Sussex, Buff Orpington, and one Zulu chick whose mama left him/her. The Zulu chick follows any person around who happens to be in the yard. I think if feels safer or something. The kids, of course, are thrilled. The Sussex will hop onto our door step when she wants to be pet. LOL

Kind of hoping I never have to deal with a creature like that, but I'm sure that in time . . . . we do see them around some.

Macksy, it's good to "meet" you. I don't know much about RIRs either. : ) Trying to educate myself.
Morning all.
I have three young Roosters that are 3 months old that need a home. I am in Durbanville, Cape Town.
Can anyone assist?

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