Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

Ag no. I am so sorry to hear that. Christmas in the cold... under other circumstaces is great.... but this is just not nice. Hope you have a safe trip and hopefully you will get back before winter starts here ;o)

Here she is, when I first arrived she was in there with Raptor (my roo) but by the time I had sprinted back with my phone He was out and she was on her way out, just managed to catch her with her first egg ever, and mine
Just got a second egg, waiting for almost 3 months for them to start laying then two start on the same day

Update on the broody, so far two of her eggs have hatched, and two to go, hoping that they all hatch quickly and healthily.
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Good luck with the hatch Gwyllm, I have a broody hen hatching today. 2 eggs are from the new rooster I got (Partridge Brahma)...but a monitor lizard ate some eggs and I'm just hoping it wasn't those! It's been a tough month. 1st battling the monitor lizards ...thought the coop was 100% secure but those guys always find a way in :he
Then I had something strange eating the legs off my chicks, 2 died and I saved one. I have no idea what it was...could only be rats as this coop has concrete walls all round and fine mesh. This was a few weeks ago...the 1 legged chick is doing really well. I've given her a hen for company and they have the privilege of free reign in the veg garden.

I'm looking for advice. I want to start a laying flock to fund my expensive hobby. I have a shed that is 86 square metres. How many laying hens can I put there? They won't have access to an outside run and will be confined to the shed (no cages). Also ...what is the best watering system?

Any advice?
@OrangeGrove thanks :) all four hatched all happy and healthy, already running around outside with mum, sorry to hear about your troubles, hope your remaining eggs come through well. I almost had brahmas as well, but decided to get Cochins instead, very similar breeds though, got to love these giants balls of fluff.
From what research I've done the general trend is to have 10-22 chickens per square meter, which for me just sounds a bit insane, with the South African limit being 15 chickens per meter squared. The recommended max for non intensive farming in 12, but it can be pushed higher if need be.
As for the watering system I can't really tell, but from my understanding when keeping that many chooks waterers don't really work as they get dirty and are just a hassle because you need to refill each one individually whilst walking between the birds, so I think a "nipple watering system" would be best, but try googling it and see what you think will work for you.
@Gwyllm Cochins are lovely, I'm looking to get some of those aswell. I thought the option was nipple system or waters attached to a line that feeds auto from pipes. I have a water reservoir nearby so just need to see which. @ 12 per m that's just over a thousand chickens ...I was thinking 500 max so that should be fine. I'm so tempted to lift up that hen to see what's happening :p
@OrangeGrove I left mine for the day when she was due but just before dark when I was putting everyone in for the night I couldn't resist and tickled her chest a little and she stood up to readjust herself, so she was only up for about 4 seconds so I could just glimpse what was happening. They are such tiny things, never expected them to be quite that small :D
One more thing, I see a lot of the overseas people have little incubators for like 12 or so eggs, does anyone know if we have those in SA? I don't trust myself enough to try make on and all the ones I can find are these huge things for 50+ eggs, which is just way more than I need so it doesn't seem worth getting.
Something of this nature
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