Glenda Heywoodo

Dec 19, 2016
Cassville Missouri

(1) Campine chickens are non-sitting fowl that lay white eggs. The breed started out as a farmyard fowl, but came to play a major role commercially as the Flemish developed and perfected what was the forerunner of today’s commercial production system. The first part of this role was to provide rapid feathering and growth in a cross with the Malines chicken for the production of meat. The second role was as an autosexing breed for egg production. The Campine chicken comes in two varieties: the Silver and the Golden. When Silver Campine females are mated to Golden Campine males the chicks can be sexed at day-old – the female chicks have a reddish blush and the males have gray on the top of their heads.
Campine chickens were recognized by the American Poultry Association in 1914 in two varieties: Silver and Golden. Males weigh 6 lbs and females weigh 4 lbs.

(2) Cubalayas are known as producers of quality meat and can often be very reliable layers of tinted eggs. They are medium-sized birds with cocks weighing six pounds and hens weighing four pounds at maturity. This breed is slow to mature taking up to three years to reach adulthood, although they are capable of reproducing beginning at six - seven months of age. Adult roosters grow to 6 pounds at maturity and hens will reach 4 pounds. These birds do well when raised on grass and actively enjoy foraging for insects.

The trait most favored in this breed is their tameness. Many of the chicks are friendly from the day they're hatched and will eat out of the owner's hand even with no previous handling. These birds have a generally brave disposition and, as chicks, may not fear predators unless caution is learned from their parents or other experienced birds

(3) HOLLAND Breeders began with light-weight stock originally imported from Holland, and mated it with White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire, and Lamona. Through careful selection the White Holland was created. Simultaneously, the Barred Holland was created by mating White Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rock, Australorp, and Brown Leghorn. The breed was admitted to the American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection in 1949.
THIS BREED is on the extenct list and needs some one to take over and raise it to restablish the breed here in USA.

(4) La Flèche They have thin white skin with tender, juicy, delicate, short-grained flesh. Their breasts are meaty and full in shape. The breed fattens well, with the fat distributed across the breasts, legs, thighs, and even the back. La Flèche chickens have a small proportion of offal (edible internal organs) to meat. They were also used to “gaver” or stuff – an old traditional practice of making birds eat more by inserting a tube into their mouths that introduces a specially blended wet mash and supplements their normal diet in order to fatten the birds.

La Flèche chickens were recognized by the American Poultry Association as a standard breed in 1874. The breed comes in only one variety – Black. Males weigh 8 lbs and females weigh 6.5 lbs.

(5) The Malay chicken was first recognized as a standard breed by the American Poultry Association (APA) in 1883 in the Black Breast Red variety. White, Spangled, Black, and Red Pyle Malays were not recognized by the APA as varieties until 1981.
Though the females are good mothers, the males can be quite cruelly disposed to their chicks. While the chicks can be quite delicate, the adult Malay chickens are very hardy. The breed’s gait is heavy and, curiously, they tend to rest their shanks on the ground when tired – often standing taller than other breeds while doing so. The hens are poor and seasonal layers. Malay hens brood well, though with their short, narrow, tight feathers they cannot cover many eggs.

(6) The Nankin is an ancient breed of fowl that is thought to be one of the oldest known bantam chickens
Nankins are known for the rich chestnut color of their bodies. The hens are a light chestnut color with the end of the tail feathers being black. The males tend to be darker in color with black tail and black flight feathers. The breed can be found with rose combs or single combs, with both varieties having bright red wattles, faces, and earlobes. Legs should be slate blue, though white leg color will occur. White leg color is considered a fault and occurs because of a hidden recessive gene in the males.

(7) It is unknown when the Redcap chicken was brought to America. There is reason to speculate that the so-called Red Dorkings at early American shows were actually Redcap chickens. The breed was widely distributed across America before 1870. Up through the 1890s, there were many large flocks of Redcap chickens being kept by farmers and poultry fanciers for their egg-laying ability. Then, within a few years, the breed almost completely disappeared.
Redcap chicks hatch with a mahogany colored down with a dark stripe. They are easily raised and are very lively. When culling this breed, one should keep in mind that the adult color pattern is not fully revealed until the second or third year. Redcap chickens were recognized by the American Poultry Association as a standard breed in 1888. There is only one variety. Males weigh 7.5 lbs and females 6 lbs.

(8) Spanish chickens have been widely known and recognized for their ability to lay a very large number of very large white eggs – gaining recognition for this even before 1816 in England. The breed came to America from Holland, and from 1825 to about 1895 was one of the best-known breeds of poultry. During the early 1860s, Spanish chickens were popular in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and as far west as Ohio. Farmers with flocks specializing in market eggs kept large flocks of this breed as late as 1892-1895. Eggs from Spanish chickens have been record in weights ranging from 2.75 ounces to 4.25 ounces (in 1852).
Spanish chickens were exhibited at the first poultry shows in both America and England. In England, it was the first breed for which classes were maintained at all the poultry shows. In America, the breed was exhibited as early as 1854, at the New York State Poultry Society show by Mr. J.P. Childs of Woonsocket, RI.

(9) Sultan chickens lay large white eggs, are non-sitters, and once had a reputation of being a good table fowl – the breast being large and the flesh being delicate and white. They lay well from March through September. Early breeders made outcrosses to Polish chickens to add new blood.
Sultan chickens were included in the first standard, then called the Standard of Excellence, published by the American Poultry Association in 1874. Males weigh 6 lbs and females weigh 4 lbs. The breed has only one recognized variety: White. But probably due to crosses made with Polish chickens, Blue Sultans and Black Sultans are sometimes found.

(10) The Yokohama chicken is an alert breed with a game-like appearance. They are indifferent layers and are said to go broody after laying only 12-14 eggs. The chicks are hardy, but require extra protein when their tails are growing. The breed is well-suited to estates where it can roam at large, thriving best when given a good deal of freedom.
It is unclear when Yokohama chickens arrived in America. However, Yokohamas were recognized by the American Poultry Association as a standard breed in 1981 in two varieties: White; and Red Shouldered. Males are 4.5 lbs and females are 3.5 lbs
Tails of three and four feet in length have been produced on Yokohama chickens. Both White Yokohama and Red Shouldered Yokohama chickens.

Glenda Heywood
(11) MODERN GAME BANTAMS I guess the breed is considered on decline, I thought there were quite a few breeders in USA. As long as Bill Wulff is around there should be MODERN GAME BANTAMS.
A tightly feathered bird with long legs and neck, which give it a tall, slender appearance. The males of the Modern Games should have their combs and wattles removed to enhance their long, slim shape. The feathers of Modern Games should be short, hard and held very close to their bodies. They do not stand cold weather well because of their short feathers and need plenty of exercise to maintain muscle tone.

Genda Heywood
Here in South Africa ,Malay game are in abundance there are plenty of them everywhere

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