Chicken Constantly Breathing Heavy


Feb 8, 2019
My chicken, about 2 years of age, has been constantly breathing heavily for a few months. I have tried all the home remedies that I can find or think of such as vinegar in her water or diatomaceous earth and wood ash. She is extending her neck often and opening her beak every time she breathes. At first I thought she might have some food lodged in her throat , but I doubt that seen as this has gone on for months. I have looked into her mouth and I haven't seen anything abnormal. She is surrounded by 12 other chickens, 2 of which are almost identical to her, and none of them have this issue. I don't think it will kill her because she is still alive, but I feel sorry for her whenever I notice it. Does anyone have any idea what this could be, or ways to treat it? Thank you.

Additional Information
She eats and drinks a healthy amount regularly and doesn't have any behavior differences, compared to the rest of the flock. She was also vaccinated as a chick, I'm not sure what to. I've seen many abnormalities and diseases throughout my chicken experience, and I've seen respiratory diseases that inhabit symptoms very similar to these, but chickens infected with them died very quickly and barely moved when they were sick.

A video of her could be provided in the near future if necessary.

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