Chicken Coop big enough?

I have 7 hens whch are housed in a coop 10ft long, 4 ft wide and 5ft tall. The coop opens to a run that is 20ft long and 15 ft wide. The run use to be way smaller, but I realized how much happier the girls seemed to be when I let them free run in the backyard. Since I have extended the run where they now stay permanently, they seem less stressed and I also keep them out of the garden...
We went to look at the coop, I have to admit, it is smaller than I thought it would be, but my husband really liked it. They want a little over $1,000 for it and that includes delivery. Does it sound too expensive??

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I really like that coop. I think buying a coop like that that is the going price but if you have the ability to build a coop you could build one for a lot less expensive but itll be a lot more work:) We just built this one and it cost roughly $550 but we got the windows for free
Looks very nice. Did you do your calculations using Chicken Math. I didn't. Although my coop and run is adequate I wish I had doubled everything. And yes it does sound expensive, but all of them seem expensive to me. I built my own coop and run and still ended up paying near the cost of that coop. I think about $750.00
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you original post says the coop is 32.5 x 39.5 that equals to 2.22 sq ft per bird. I also am new to this but i would say its to small. now the new pic looks much larger i would think it would be ok.
A big run helps. However if the coop is to small, they will peck each other more, fighting for space. You get bad air circulation. Much better to have more space than you need, than to have less. Plus, you may find you want to add to your flock. The one your going to look at seems like a good one. franko
WOW, those are some nice coops!! Yeah, my hubby want to get the bigger one. :)
Get as big as you have room for. Trust me, as soon as you start putting chickens in their new home you'll want more, maybe a different breed or two. Then I'll need to get bigger feeders and waterers, Oh, with the new chickens I'll nee more roost space, and maybe a turkey or two, or some ducks.......................................................
I like the 2nd one to,,however, I haven't been crazy seeing the nesting boxes on the outside, call me weird, but I just worry that in the winter those boxes OUTSIDE will not be warm enough??

Here's some links to ones I've looked at that were actually sheds that you could convert.|1&facetInfo=

I found a really nice one at CarefreeSheds, but it's like 1400...I'm now converting part of my 12 x 30 shed/barn instead of buying a separate building.

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