Chicken Coop names: What did you name your coop/coops

We haven't begun keeping chicken yet in the process of getting permits etc., but we've decided on Bates Motel

It's our last name
We're building a Gilligan's Island themed coop, so ours will be the S.S. MINNOW. Not a chicken pun, but I think it's going to be cute....there will be bamboo and palm trees around the run...stuff like that
Our coop is a converted room in a building on the property. When we first looked at the property, we thought this building was just a shack, it was so run down looking, it actually brought the value of the property down! Then we found out, someone was LIVING THERE!!! Some relative of the property owner. The guy's name was Jimmy. He moved out when we bought the property, but of course now the building is "Jimmy's". When we first moved in we were going to have a party and the invitations would say "party at Jimmy's" - lol - because everyone who knew us knew the story of Jimmy. Turns out the structure is fairly decent with a concrete pad, so we use it for storage and, now, a chicken coop. So the name "Jimmy" has to be in the coop name somehow. I'm thinking of "Jimmy's Chicken Wing", since we converted one room in the coop, that would be a "wing" - lol! Or "Jimmy's Hen House"..."Jimmy's Chicken Suite". Really leaning towards "Jimmy's Chicken Wing" though...

Open to suggestions, just keep "Jimmy" in there!

Since no one ha suggested it, how about "Jimmy's Cracked Corn"?

Yeah I know no one cares!

I'm thinking of calling it Serenity. Can you guess what my favorite tv show is?
Don't really 'conjure' I do, but I'm sure it's 'shiny'...

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Knock Kneed Hen, I like your idea, however may I suggest you use the 'redneck' spelling?

"BareNekkid Ladies" (as in 'Bare Neck-id' Ladies)

Ok, the name of mine is going to seem completely irrelevant to anything having to do with chickens and will probably have a lot of fellow Galluphiles going "Huh?" So I had better give the back story first (bear with me, I'll try an keep it short).

My chicken coop didn't start out as such. It was originally built to house my former landlady's red doberman, so when we moved out into the country and I could have chickens again I decided to recondition it and use it as a coop. Since I only had 4 chicks, at 16 Ft2 it was just the right size. So I brought it down to the one flat area in the 'Lower 40' and built up a 10' x 10' chain link kennel around it. I already had the kennel and since I had 'enclosed' the property a radio fence it seemed logical to use the now unemployed kennel as a pen. I stretched some 2" x 4" welded wire across the top and covered the whole thing with a 10' x 10' tarp for shade and rainwater collection.

Fast forward to today, and I am doubling the size of my flock to nine. so obviously I had to throw together larger accommodations. Since I was working on limited time I decided it would be best just to expand on what I already have, so I bought another kennel, doubling the size of the run and am building a MacGyvered addition to the jury rigged coop. It isn't the prettiest or the fanciest chicken housing here, certainly considering some of the elaborate constructions I have seen. But it should be sufficient.

So (finally!
) I come to the naming of my bird's ramshackle shed...

I'm calling it "The Dawg Hawse"

Pictures forthcoming...
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We're building a Gilligan's Island themed coop, so ours will be the S.S. MINNOW. Not a chicken pun, but I think it's going to be cute....there will be bamboo and palm trees around the run...stuff like that

Then you have to name some of the chickens after the castaways!

We plan to. Whatever roo we end up with will be named Skipper, since his job will be protecting the girls

You do I hope realize the problem with naming all your hens after the rest of the castaways is that it will mean Gilligan, The Professor and Thurston Howell will all be transgendered!
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