Chicken Depressed?

She sounds broody (and broodies will sit on nothing but bedding, they don't even need eggs) but broody for months? That's pretty unusual.

She really needs to be broken of this, so crating her in a wire cage until she no longer shows broody habits (puffing, wanting to return to nest all the time) is what I would try, however she's unlikely to break easily if it's really been going on that long.
I'm not sure because I adopted her and she didn't look like any hen I've ever seen. At first, I thought she was a black sex link but she doesn't look like the black sex link I already had so I wasn't sure. View attachment 2362919
I have one like that but a little darker, supposed to be something similar to a black sex link, can you lmk if you find out what she is?
sorry not much help on this subject, just wanted to let you know I know a little about the breed


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