Chicken Diaries of Rosie, Ruth, Melody and Peepers :)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 1, 2012
Spokane Valley, WA
Here are diaries that my chickens have 'written'. They'll try to keep posting every day! Enjoy!

Rosie: Hello! My name is Rosie and I'm a Rhode Island Red. Today was really strange, besides laying an egg and Ruth's loud bickering, we were let out of our pen and the humans were excited for some reason. Then the next time we went out I found out why! We finally got to go to the Boundary of No Exploring (the front yard)! It was really fun, but then the dog barked at some people and a shiny door opened and closed! We went back to The Yard as soon as we could! After that, they all followed us to the Big Shady Tree and, just when you got humans figured out, they do something weird like lay in the grass. I looked at the eye of one of them but she turned away. I'll write in tomorrow to tell you all of more fun!! -Rosie

Ruth: Hello, I'm Ruth, a Wyandotte and I'm the flock leader. Today we explored the Boundary of No Exploring, it was fun. I scratched out a lot of bugs from the dirt and we walked over this weird feeling......stuff. It was like a rock, except everywhere! After we returned to our territory two of the younger humans lay on the grass. I didn't bother with them, except to get fluff off their clothes and I climbed on one. Hope you enjoyed, see you next time.- Ruth

Melody: G' day! I'm Melody, an Australorp. We went to what the other hens call the Boundary of No Exploring...I just call it the other side. I wasn't so sure of following them, but one of the humans herded me over. After, we returned to our territory but then two of the young ones lay down. It was strange, so I walked over. The boy had white things in his mouth, so I pecked them....What a strange day..... - Melody

Peeper: Hello! Are you reading this? I hope so. I'm Peepers and I'm....oh! An Americauna! Today we took a lovely holiday to the place we weren't allowed to explore. It was so much fun! But then something shiny came and Ruth told us to follow her back to our territory. Oh! After that was my favorite part! The two kids laid down and I got to walk around them! Rather strange, really...they do make a lot of noise when you're on them........Oh! Today I also scared a big, toothy monster (a rake)! But that's probably too early to write about. I hope you have a lovely day! - Peepers
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OMG .... this is so cute ........ I'll be following ... waiting to hear about all their adventures. Can you post pictures of them so we can have a visual of their cute little personalities?
Rosie: Good morning everyone! Today, Ruth was out of sorts. Usually I'm the one to lay the first egg but today, it was Ruth. She kept on yelling at me to "Get off!" and she chased Peepers out of the nest. I think my little, yellow friend is almost ready to lay an egg. After all that, I got to lay an egg, WHEW! Glad I got that out of my system! A bit earlier today, we got to go by Ruth's Trouble Place (the other side of the house where they're not allowed to go) and then, after going down the path, we were at the "Boundary of No Exploring", which should be re-named the "Boundary of MORE Exploring"! There was a grassy hill on the other side, and there was also a big chunk of that rocky, flat stuff. We didn't touch it, instead, we went to the hill's edge and dug around in the dirt. We had to go back in, I think because the humans heard some nearby crows. When the sun was higher in the sky, We went to the Boundary of MORE Exploring and dug through the bushes and weeds. Suddenly, this big, noisy Monster came right by us! (the neighbors lawn mower). It was scary! After a long, fun while, we were called back, but it took Peepers, Ruth and Melody a bit longer....I wonder why? Anyways, have a wonderful, fantastic day full of bugs and worms! - Rosie

Ruth: Hello. I can't really understand Rosie sometimes, she's not the boss chicken and she shouldn't get on the nest when it's obviously MY turn to lay! Peepers knows were she stands but maybe a peck on the head will do Rosie some good........Anyways, we got to explore the place were I've ALWAYS wanted to go! There was a hill and different colored containers, one was blue with white...and it was square! The dirt under the hill was nice but very dry, you find more worms in the WET dirt. When we were called in, I had to hop over a tall perch, thankfully I made it. When we went out again, we went to, what Rosie re-named the Boundary of MORE Exploring. It' a good name...but I think I should've named it. Anyways, we had tons of fun, digging in the dirt, but then the noisy monster came! Thankfully, it and the lady it was pulling, was behind a boarder. We also had another problem, the shiny thing opened up! I bravely yelled, "Look out!" to the flock. They were a good distance away from it and it wouldn't bother to open again while I was around. Oh yes! I got a worm today! I ate it as fast as I could because Melody was about to take it away! Yum! When we were called, Rosie ran back to our territory, but me, Melody and Peepers were having so much fun! We wanted to stay, and we did, until the humans picked us up. The girl picked me up, away from the plants, so when she put me down I ran back. They came after us again and after a while, well, after Melody and Peepers were picked up, we were put back in our pen. It was a nice day out. Have a good morning. - Ruth

Melody: G'day mates. Rosie and Ruth had a morning squabble, I didn't really care for it though, it wasn't my laying time. We got to go to the other side, where Ruth likes to go, and saw what was beyond. A hill, colored containers, dry dirt and a lot of rocky stuff. Afterwards, when we were let out again, we went to the other side and scratched. A loud monster came, but it didn't go for was pretty scary though. We kept on scratching and Ruth yelled a warning. We saw the shiny thing open and the dog came out. I wonder what is in that shiny things' mouth? It keeps eating and spitting things out....The humans soon called us in, but we me, Ruth and Peepers stayed out. Ruth was picked up, than Peepers, and then, worst of all, ME! I do NOT like getting picked up! It's the strangest sensation to have fingers touch your keel bone and your wings. Now, if you excuse me, I have an egg to lay. - Melody

Peepers: Good morning! How is your day? Mine was simply lovely! We went to the Boundary of MORE exploring in the morning and found so many things. Then, later we went to the other side of the boundary and dug, and scratched, and pecked. I found a pretty purple thing but the humans took it away. That was fine, I couldn't even smash it. I walked around, looked at the flowers, saw my sisters scratch and then OH! The thing we were in front of was so big! It was blue and squarey! It had shiny things on it. Oh, speaking of shiny things, it jumped right out at us! It gave us a scare, but Ruth was brave and scared it off! The humans then called and Rosie went back. I was having a lovely time, I didn't even notice, well....maybe I did, since I am writing about it...........Suddenly, the girl starts walking towards me, her hands reaching out. I thought, maybe I should squat, but instead I ran, and she kept coming. I hid under the flowers then came out. It's not that I'm afraid of her, but how would you react if you were having a lovely time and then hands came down to take you away? Anyway, I was caught, I squatted and she walked me by the loud monster and into the pen, it is nice to be cuddled, knowing you're safe. I shook myself when I was put down and then the other human came and brought in Melody, she wasn't very happy to be held, well, she is shy after all! Have a lovely day! - Peepers
Rosie: Good morning. Last night, something exciting happened! But Ruth told me not to write it because she wanted to, it did happen to her after all. Today, Ruth was the first in the nest, I didn't like that, it was supposed to be MY turn to lay! When the sun was just rising, we went out and pecked up some grass and bugs. Ruth also kept moving Peepers away from the good spots. Later, we went out and pecked under the long, too-square-to-be-a-tree tree (the deck). The humans usually go up and down on it, and in and out of the shiny thing. The girl sat down on on of the branches (steps) and I looked up at her, but unlike Ruth, Melody and Peepers, I wasn't very interested in climbing up. I was very relaxed today, after I laid my egg. The sun was shining, the air was calm. It was just a fine day. After some pecking, we went by Ruth's Trouble Place and onto the hill. We jumped down to it's edge and scratched in the dirt, but then one of the humans walked to the other side, with Peepers and Ruth following. Me and Melody didn't like the rocky stuff and we tried to figure out a way to follow our sisters without walking on it. The girl was there to help us and after some encouragement, we followed. That rocky stuff is so COLD on my feet! We all scratched around in the grass, picking up bugs and other things.....including paint, I like those paint chips! One of the humans from the other border (our neighbor) talked to our humans and then he fell for the sleeping monsters trap (the RV)! He walked right in and it ate him! It was so strange, Peepers had a hard time believing it. But like the shiny thing by us, the monster spit him back out, then ate him and spit him out again! That thing must need a lot of tasting before it thinks it's prey is good or not. Soon, we all walked back to the pen. Peepers was confused....again, so the girl picked her up and put her in the coop. I pecked Peepers on the head, asking her why she got so confused, Peepers said that when the door is open, it means we go out. Well, I hope you all have a nice, relaxing, preeningful day! - Rosie

Ruth: Hi, did Rosie tell you?..............Good! You'll never guess what happened! Lasternight, I, Ruthy Wyandotte Chicken, caught a mouse! Don't act so jealous, I caught it far and square, and it was yummy! I ate it in three gulps, after a little run around the pen with Rosie and Melody. Rosie pecked my head! I'm the boss chicken, I peck HER head. The next sun rising, we went outside to play. Peepers kept finding some very nice places to scratch, so I moved her. Later, we came out again and scratched under the too-square-to-be-a-tree tree. I found a lot of pretty things, but they were too hard to eat or too flat to smash. I then went into the dirt place by the coop. The dirt felt good on my feet and it was nice to talk to one of the humans. After a while, we went to my "trouble place", though Rosie got in trouble around there too, and over to the hill. It's edge was too dry, so I called Peepers over to go to the other side. It was cold on my toes! We scritched and scratched, those weeds sure have a lot of bugs in them! We had a strange encounter with the eating and spitting out monster, then we went back to the pen. Peepers had to be carried. Oh yes! I laid the first egg today! Yay! Well, have a nice day! - Ruth

Melody: G'day. Ruth caught a mouse yesterday, me and Rosie wanted it, it looked like a furry worm. She ate it quickly......I wonder what it tasted like? After our first outing in the morning, Rosie was upset that Ruth laid her egg first. Peepers was wondering why she makes a big deal out of it, she'll understand one day. Our next outing was nice, I was walking around when I saw the coop door opened. Peepers was having an adventure, so I joined her. The dust on my feet was nice, it reminded me when I escaped the coop when it was little......when D.J was around. He was our rooster, Rosie loved him, we all did. He taught us how to scratch for food. Anyway, Peepers told me that under the coop was a nice place to explore, but she came out because of the spider webs. We then came to the grassy hill on the other, other side. Ruth and Peepers went to the other side but me and Rosie didn't want to touch the rocky stuff. I paced back and forth, wondering what to do, but soon, we followed the girl to safety. Not sure if you know, but the rocky stuff was very, uncomfortably COLD! So we scratched and pecked, Peepers was scared about the monster next door. Soon, we went back to the pen and Peepers had to be picked up. She was confused about the door. And so, I'm now in the shade of the pen, waiting to go out again. Cheerio! - Melody

Peepers: Hello! Today was full of new things to think about! Yesterday, Ruth caught a mouse, I didn't want it, really, it was too........furry. This sun rising, I found a wonderful place to dig, but Ruth moved me, I am the lowest flock member, after all, but I like it! I get to be the sentry and chase intruders away! The next time we went out I had a lovely adventure in the dirt place near the coop. I didn't like the dark but then I found a crevice under the coop. It was delightful! But the webs clung to my feathers and muff, I don't like a dirty muff. Then, Melody came to join the fun! I told her that the crevice was nice but the webs stick to your feathers and muff. Of course, Melody doesn't HAVE a muff, so I guess she doesn't have to worry! While we were in there I saw a sleeping monster (the tractor). I didn't feel any breathing so I walked around it and into other things by it. What fun! Next, we went to the Boundary of MORE Exploring and crossed the big, long rocky stuff. Rosie and Melody had trouble but the nice girl, with startling bright clothes on, encouraged them to come over. After pecking and scratching a human on the other boundary walked into an open monster's mouth! How horrifying! But it spit him out and ate him again, then spit him out! It was too startling to think! It was rather scary, really! Soon, the other three girls went back in the pen, but the door was still open, surely it means we stay out? But no, I was carried back in and Rosie pecked me on the head. Well, have another lovely day, unless your day is already lovely....than have a simply DIVINE day! - Peepers
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Rosie: Hello! Yesterday, a big thing happened. I caught a mouse! Isn't that exciting? I knew I would get to taste one one day, and I did! And it was DELICIOUS! But today, it was rainy and loud with thunder. Our feathers got drenched, that was NOT fun! This sun rising, only me an Peepers came out. Ruth and Melody were busy trying to lay an egg. It was fun scratching around in the wet grass, there were so many bugs! Then, as the sun was in the middle of the sky, Ruth, Melody and Peepers went outside. I stayed in the coop to lay my egg. Now, laying takes concentration, patience and tolerance of seeing the faces of humans come in to say hello. I finally did it!....but my sisters were all back inside, so I had to wait until much later. Later, we got to go to the Boundary of MORE Exploring. Ruth found a slug but I got it, it was delicious! Then, we went back to our territory, under The Shady Tree, and I got something in my nose! It was odd, I kept sneezing. Well, I wasn't ill, but it would have been nice to stay out longer. Good night! - Rosie

Ruth: Hi. This morning, Melody was in the nest I wanted to go in. She wouldn't budge, so I had to wait......and waaaaaaait.....and wwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiittttttttttt!!!! I don't like waiting! Finally, she got off and I got to lay! What a relief....After I got some preening done and wondered why the humans didn't let me and Melody out, we came out. What a fun time. I got lots of bugs in the Boundary of MORE Exploring's bushes, including a slug! But Rosie took it. Oh well, I got half. But really, she stuck to my side like feathers on my back! I kept on having to peck her head! We went back and much foraging was done, including Peepers foraging under the coop's dirt place. Have a nice day! - Ruth

Melody: 'Ello. This morning, as you already know, I laid an egg before Ruth and she was not satisfied. Oh, yes, a while ago I had stale stuff on my back and, thanks to the rain, I got it off! That felt nice! Not the wet, but the feeling of nice, clean, oily feathers. So later, we all, except Rosie, went outside. There was so many bugs and worms and other things. I felt so, so ,so,so,so,so cheery today! I just had to talk about the wonderful weather, and the bugs, and how much I appreciate the humans, and how good it felt to lay an egg........oh, I'm getting carried away! So, the third time we went out, we went to the other side. I found so many things, but I couldn't eat them. The funny feeling white stuff that breaks into little balls (styrofoam)...taken away. Round thingamagig (scrunchy)...gone. Rubbery thingy (balloon)...away from my beak. But beside all that, I had a lovely evening! 'Night! - Melody

Peepers: Hello, my evening was very charming, besides the scary, loud morning. Me and Rosie went out in the brighter morning while Ruth and Melody laid eggs. On the ground, near the Shady Tree, I saw something that looked like a big, grey worm, but it had eyes sticking out. I hadn't the slightest clue if it was a big slug or a strange-looking worm, so I left it. Later on, I, with Ruth and Melody, went to explore around. I had a lovely time under the coop and around the dirt place. I talked to Rosie as she lay in the nest and I found so many things and spiders. The things were shiny and colorful, dull and....rather brown (rusted). I was having a grand time, but then the humans tried to get me out. I hid behind wood shelter, they couldn't get me out! But then, I got scared of being alone and I came out. I got caught and put back in the coop. Much, much later, we all went to the Boundary of MORE Exploring and found a lot of things in the plants, weeds and bushes. Including a big slug, but I didn't have it. Then we went back and I explored the coop again. How much fun! I had to get caught again when all my sisters came back into the coop. It's so confusing! I don't understand it! Well, I'm tired, I've had a fun day and I hope you did too! - Peepers
Rosie: Hello! I-I-I......can't BELLLLLEEEEEEIIIIIVVVEEEEE whats happening!!! First I take a relaxing water bath and warm dry, then a few sleeps later.......the.....the sky is falling! White is EVERYWHERE! And it's sooooooooo coooooolllllllddd!!!!! I ran in it and it feels so strange! It sticks to my toes!! I'm so scared!


Melody: Ello'.....well.........the clouds are coming down, I just never knew they'd be on the ground. Want to know how I know? There are no clouds in the sky! I don't know what to do........I feel so exposed, I am black after all.....

Peepers: OH! What to do? It' so cold and white things are falling from the sky! Melody says we should stay calm, but she's scared too! It's so scary! My muff might get soggy again!

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