Chicken egg sizes and colors.


5 Years
Mar 29, 2014
I have Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorps and Easter Egger chickens and they are just staying to lay. I've gotten Green eggs so I'm guessing those are from my Easter Eggs. The first few were very small then I got one about the size of a medium store bought egg. Then I got a few small beige and one brown egg. Not sure which breed laid those. All are pretty small. Will they get bigger as they lay more?
Also they seem to lay in the late afternoon or early evening is that normal?
Pullet eggs are always tiny. They'll get bigger.
Chickens lay eggs at all times of the daylight. Eventually, the majority will come before noon.
The lighter ones may be the Rock eggs. IMO the RIRs will be the darkest, then the Australorps, then the Rocks.
Pretty common....egg factory not quite tuned up yet and released two ova that were encapsulated in one shell.
I am so sad and confused. I went out at 6 to check and see if we had any eggs, found one. All my girls (10) looked fine and I was petting all of them. 3 hours later I go out to give them a treat and one is dead inside the coop. I keep them in a chicken run so no dog, raccoon or critter could have gotten to her. She looked very healthy too. What could have happened?
Oh, that's too bad! Condolences.

Why did it die?
Hard to tell without a lot more info.
Were there any wounds on it......or any other abnormalities like a swollen abdomen?
Chickens can have heart attacks, if something tried to get into the run it could have been scared, literally, to death.
No wounds that we could tell of and no swollen abdomen. We haven't seen any snakes on our property either. And our property is fenced in. So if something tried to get in the run not sure what it would have been. I'm leaning towards "egg bound". She was one of my Easter Eggs (we have three) and yesterday we did not get any green eggs. Day before we got two green eggs. I saw her in the nesting box earlier in the day so thought she was trying to lay.

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