Chicken fighting- tongue grabbing?!


Dec 3, 2020
Hello all, hope you’re having a nice day. This morning my ‘teenage’ (three months old) chickens were having a squabble and the current ‘top chicken’ did a classic running jump onto my lovely disabled chicken who then proceeded to fluff out her neck feathers and retaliate by pecking her in the face, however she seem to grab a hold of her TONGUE and give it a good old tug!! 🤣 has anyone ever seen this before?! It was very impressive 😆I have to be honest I was secretly quite proud of my disabled chicken who I do worry is going to get picked on as they get older (they haven’t picked on her yet but this morning seemed a different level of bickering).
Never seen this. I am impressed by her fighting skills! I would use a spray bottle to discourage this behavior. If it keeps up, bring one into a seperate pen with some other friends.
Thanks for your response! I was also super impressed. I have to say I am very worried that their behaviour will start to turn aggressive as I am in a small urban environment and also in the UK we are under poultry lockdown because of avian flu… Up to now they’ve been fine and they’ve seem to really love each other,! But I fear that this seemingly bloody endless chicken lockdown and their age will mean that they start the fight. I really don’t have the space to isolate her and also she would be sad and lonely so I really don’t want to do that. Fingers crossed it was just a one off :)
Yeh. I'm from UK and I must say the hens are not really enjoying being in the coop all the time. There is the occasional argumentative squabble but I haven't yet seen any tounge pulling 😅i jolly well hope they end the poultry lockdown soon!
Yeh. I'm from UK and I must say the hens are not really enjoying being in the coop all the time. There is the occasional argumentative squabble but I haven't yet seen any tounge pulling 😅i jolly well hope they end the poultry lockdown soon!
Me too! Any idea how best to find out? Defra website seems to have nothing...

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