chicken just died after i gently cleaned her vent


11 Years
Jan 11, 2012
Pacific Northwest
My beautiful 3 years old Brahma just died. I am not sure what happened. She sounded a little strange for the last two days and I had to take her down the roost too. She had some white poop on her vent and behind, so I gently washed it under some running water and then she became completely lethargic, not being able to breath well and could not stand on her legs. She laid in the grass for about 10 min and died. Anyone would know what the reason could be? I have another 7 chicken, all very healthy...the coop is well maintained and fresh water changed frequently. I am a little shock!
Sorry for your loss. It's possible that she has ascites and the handling of her caused the fluids to put pressure on her heart and lungs. A necropsy is easy to do and would reveal ascites if that was the cause.


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