chicken killed wild bird

merged the young chicks with the hens the other day... and IT HAPPENED AGAIN!!! They all got together and killed another sparrow...
Oh!!! Isn't it cute when chicks
bond with their moms
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Today my husband saw my big leghorn Betty Boop running around with a dead bird in her beak. The rest of the flock was chasing her. Hubby had to run around to get it from her , she did not want to let go. I dont know how it died. We are sorta shocked to think she killed it. Or worse yet was she going to eat it. I know they ate a copperhead snake that got stuck in the fence. IM GROSSED OUT!
hi y'all. so i looked for something similar to my question but no luck, we (like everyone else) have those little tiny wild birds in our yard and one somehow wiggled its way through the chicken wire into the coop and our copper head maran attacked it and i think they all ate it.... ive seen her try and attack them/scare them when they are close to the coop cause she is the biggest of all my chickens but i never thought she would kill one

has this ever happened to anyone else??
is this normal like territorial stuff?
My alpha rooster tries to feed those little wild birds whenever they get stuck in the run. He treats them like they are his own chicks. 😂
My girls have killed small birds and voles but I looked in the run one day and they were sitting along side their "pet" Robin like it was one of the gang. I told them they couldn't have a wild bird for a pet and ran it out.

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