Chicken LORE Project - Find & Submit Local Chicken Laws & Ordinances

Did you submit it into the database? No credit for posts....
Did you submit it into the database? No credit for posts....

Thats the deal! We did not change any laws, but were allowed to keep our chickens. It is what I would call a singular circumstance! No-one else since has asked for permission.

If anyone would like, I'd be happy to email them the letter I wrote to the City Fathers and Mothers! It may be a helpful item.
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Did you submit it into the database? No credit for posts....

Thats the deal! We did not change any laws, but were allowed to keep our chickens. It is what I would call a singular circumstance! No-one else since has asked for permission.

If anyone would like, I'd be happy to email them the letter I wrote to the City Fathers and Mothers! It may be a helpful item.

please message me it? :> It's not straight up illegal here but it'd be good to know if there's ever an issue... especially with my one rooster XD
GREAT idea! Unfortunately I cannot help, as I live near a town so small and wooded, noone inside it has chickens. . . And I doubt anyone will.
Illia- you are more than welcome to submit any city on the list! Why not earn that free GFM? There are lots of cities left! Just pick one and get your google on!
I've got Stanley, Gastonia, Bessemer City, Cramerton and Belmont, NC. I'm still looking into Mt. Holly and Lincolnton.

The original information comes from the Gaston Gazette 2007.
I have since read what I've been able to find on the "Unified Developement Ordinance" for Gaston County, NC I haven't found anything different than what has been said in the paper.

Please Note: Individual HomeOwners Associations have their own rules and that's got to be considered by people who move into certain areas.

Non-incorporated areas of the county allow for chickens and are governed by the rules of Gaston County Animal Contol

are a gazillion of little bitty places in Gaston County that I can't even begin to name them all!!

Would you believe we have a town called Boger City? Pronounced BOOGER City! I swear on my momma's good name!!
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i submitted a correction for amarillo and sent an email about it. the database hasn't changed. i think i was wrong and that chickens are allowed. actually, you may want to read the code i pasted in the form. the legality of chickens and other "barnyard fowl" seems to lie in whether they are considered a nuisance. anyhow, i sent an email

several months ago i saw a different set of codes that had specific rules for roosters, pigs, chickens, hens, goats, etc. i can't find them online today.

and thank you for this Thread & database. it is a very good idea
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