Chicken math

I have totally lost count of my numbers. Havent added any but lost 8 or so this past week. Lost a really nice Chanty chick to sour cropand 7 other young birds to various ailments. I am going to go out and do a head counts this week and write it down.
Yes, I got permission to get more birds. My daughter started 4H so technically they are hers. We are getting 2 modern game birds this weekend for showmanship and a trio of show quality buff brahma bantam if we can find a breeder in CA. Now I have to build a separate coop but they have a temporary coop for now.
Im slowly recouping the losses I suffered a month or so ago. I now have 25 slow broilers,hatched out 6 barred rocks and one asil. I have 6 splash Jersey Giant eggs incubating with a dozen copper maran eggs dur this week. This is in addition to my 12 geese 3 white Jersey giants and 5 dark cornish.
And if all goes as planned, I will be purchasing (10) day old Oshamo chicks from a breeder at the end of the month.
Im slowly recouping the losses I suffered a month or so ago. I now have 25 slow broilers,hatched out 6 barred rocks and one asil. I have 6 splash Jersey Giant eggs incubating with a dozen copper maran eggs dur this week. This is in addition to my 12 geese 3 white Jersey giants and 5 dark cornish.
And if all goes as planned, I will be purchasing (10) day old Oshamo chicks from a breeder at the end of the month.

Nice wondering what happened to you lately ended up because I had a broody hen and I got my friends eggs to hatch, why not? But they are blue cochins are I really wanted buff orpingtons so why not get two buff orpingtons? So now I have 4 laying faverolles that are 7 months old 2 blue cochin chick KS and 2 buff orpington chi ks. I really hope that the chicks are mostly hens
My chicken math......
Started with 10, 2 week olds. Then brought 6 more. 20 was my limit!!!!then decided i wanted some silkies and araucanas. Posted an ad on gumtree for eggs.... purchased an incubator. Waited. Was contacted by a local breeder. 24 eggs later!
Then decided to fill the incubator with cross breed eggs also.... now at 48!
Was also contacted by another local breeder with day old silkies and araucanas. Couldn't resist. Kods and i set off to have a look! Purchased 6 he gave us an extra 10!
One of the original girls got into next doors yard whilst free ranging. We lost her :(
So we have 15 8 week olds
16 3 week olds
12 cross breeds that are 5 days old
8 hatched araucanas and silkies
With approx 8 more to go!!!!!!
Chicken math at its best :)
We love them all and luckily we have the space for them.
Lots of eggs for our extended family and friends :)

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