Chicken math

chicken pirates
you have to watch out for them too! They'll take over your car as well
More dangerous than the phantom kitten who ended up in my bedroom somehow 2 years ago. There is a critter conspiracy in these parts. I would sniff it out but I am easily distracted by cuteness so it's going to have to wait.
So two weeks ago I had 18, plus six that are in an outdoor brooder now and 7 still indoor brooding that I hatched. Oh, 41 in the incubator also. As of today: hubby added 11 from tsc, 7 austrolorp, 2 rir and 2 isa brown. Bought a plastic incubator to use as a hatcher, but of course it must be tested so in went 48 eggs I had on hand. I have 34/41 that look good hatching this weekend from my farm innovator. Plus 2 chicks that my sister found in her backyard next to a dead mom. No problem, none at all. I could stop whenever. Of course it'll be after tomorrow because I'll be hassling tsc employees about what breeds they got in. Totally not buying chicks tomorrow. Unless they have Brahmas, because we don't want the two newborns to get lonely just in case nothing hatches at all.
So two weeks ago I had 18, plus six that are in an outdoor brooder now and 7 still indoor brooding that I hatched. Oh, 41 in the incubator also. As of today: hubby added 11 from tsc, 7 austrolorp, 2 rir and 2 isa brown. Bought a plastic incubator to use as a hatcher, but of course it must be tested so in went 48 eggs I had on hand. I have 34/41 that look good hatching this weekend from my farm innovator. Plus 2 chicks that my sister found in her backyard next to a dead mom. No problem, none at all. I could stop whenever. Of course it'll be after tomorrow because I'll be hassling tsc employees about what breeds they got in. Totally not buying chicks tomorrow. Unless they have Brahmas, because we don't want the two newborns to get lonely just in case nothing hatches at all.
Ha ha!! You've got it BAD BluesLadies! I have 25 grown outside, and 8 still in the indoor brooder. 3 coming next weekend and 10 more the following weekend (buff Orp. and EE). So, I'll have limited myself to 21 new chicks for this season. :)
For the record, I think Chicken Math should be a pinned post...I had no warning!

I just love the chickens. Gathering the eggs, chatting up the ladies, doing silly things like watering my straw bales to make sure there are bugs under them for the chickens to snack on's one of my favorite things about going home after a long day at work.
We've had our chicks from TSC exactly one week. The Wife is out of town this weekend, and The Boy (who was responsible for the chick acquisition in the first place) wants to drive over to the the other TSC nearby to see "if they have different breeds." He knows darn well they do, and he hopes to pressure me to buy another 6-pack while Mommy is away. Methodical, he is.

Must resist ...
Ha ha!!  You've got it BAD BluesLadies!   I have 25 grown outside, and 8 still in the indoor brooder.  3 coming next weekend and 10 more the following weekend (buff Orp. and EE).  So, I'll have limited myself to 21 new chicks for this season. :)

I was limiting to what I could hatch but I wasn't sure how it would go and I'm weak to the cheeps coming from those bins. We just got our farm after a year of planning so I figure I have the room for my list of must have breeds. Although after I find a Brahma or four I'll probably call it. Unless I find a frizzle Cochin. That's just too tempting.

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