Chicken "mutt" club!!!

Glad to find this thread! Here are some of my young mutts!




All are fathered by a production RIR. Possible mama hens are Black-sex links, Golden Comet, an EE, and a suspected Hampbar.
Great post idea!

Does anyone heard of Silkies x Easter Eggers? I have one rooster EE and I taught of breeding him with one of my Silkies ! But since the Silkies are kind of fluffy and the EE has more feather I was wondering what kind of chicken would that make!

Just hatched between yesterday and early this morning. Dad is EE and moms are BSL, EE, BO, RSL or SLW.
Picture takenedd right before I brought them home from my daughters school. They hatched our eggs as a class project .
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So glad I found this thread. My step daughter found this little thing in her garage. I have no idea if it's male or female (please be a girl) and no clue what breed it might be. I think a neighbor of hers probably got it and it escaped. It's pretty wild, so I'm working on calming it down. I've searched the internet, but they mostly have chicks before they feather out.

So I post a pic here, and it's in the preview, but I can't see it in the post. Anyhow, here's a little video of her. I've posted this video in sick chicks section and hope to have her well very soon.

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So glad I found this thread. My step daughter found this little thing in her garage. I have no idea if it's male or female (please be a girl) and no clue what breed it might be. I think a neighbor of hers probably got it and it escaped. It's pretty wild, so I'm working on calming it down. I've searched the internet, but they mostly have chicks before they feather out.

So I post a pic here, and it's in the preview, but I can't see it in the post. Anyhow, here's a little video of her. I've posted this video in sick chicks section and hope to have her well very soon.


It is hard to tell the breed or sex at this age. If it escaped from its flock, it is probably missing the other chicks, since chickens are very social animals. Maybe you can reunite it with its flock mates.
Unfortunately the part of town that my step daughter lives in isn't very..... let's say friendly. I can't see me going door to door to find her home. My step daughter said she hasn't heard or seen any chickens around the vicinity of her house. I think she was "free" for a while because she was extremely wild and scared. As soon as she's a little bigger, I plan to take her out to visit my flock for short periods of time. Hopefully she'll bond with one of my other 4 girls. I'm really hoping she'll bond with my australop as her sister passed away a couple weeks ago and she's so lonely. :( Poor girl alienated the 3 red stars I got and now they want nothing to do with her. I did bring her onto the patio earlier today so she could see the baby in the pen. She got quiet and still and just watched. Could be good, could be bad. Never can tell with these girls.

Anyhow, I figured I wouldn't be able to tell the breed yet.... just had to take a shot though. :)

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