Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

I had a fellow this spring who wanted me to raise some free range meaties for him. Just one caveat. Could I please make sure they didn't eat any bugs; I had to decline on the grounds that it would not be in their best interest to put a rubber band around their beaks and there fore I could not guarantee bug free, free range chickens.
A lot of people continue to as Beekissed why she/he took a rooster to church. She/he answered in a post 12/01/2010 9:46 pm.

Beekissed: "Lady at church needed a roo and I had a spare."
Eating eggs will raise your blood cholesterol. Not only is this not true but it is still believed by many medical professionals. In fact, the opposite may be true.

REALLY??? I have eaten every egg my chickens have laid. (they just started and I am too excited to sell or give them away at this point) I thought that the egg were bad for you! So, it's ok that I consume everything my birds lay? lol... cool!
I have to tell this story. With the recent rash of salmonela in the big egg production operations, my niece's mother-in-law felt she could not make her wonderful egg nog recipe that contains raw eggs. My sweet niece called me to bum 6 eggs 'cause she knew my girls and their eggs were very clean. I was glad to oblige!

Regarding the "eggs without roosters", I explain to my girl friends how eggs are produced in our own lives. This is a family forum, so each of you can explain it to your kids and close friends.
erm... gotta ask... why were you taking a rooster to church?

Lady at church needed a roo and I had a spare.

There were a few old biddies shaking their heads and muttering about bringing a chicken in the church....I said, "He is one of God's creatures!"

I just found this thread and I have reading only to find out why Beekissed brought a roo to church. Whew, I was thinking I might never find out.
My daughter who has never lived around chickens but has only been around them when visiting us, asked me once when we had chicks if the hen was still nursing. I almost fell over.
Sorry, don't mean to be petty, but the quote" All creatures great and small" was not written by James Herriot, the line comes from a hymn.
On colored eggs, when I informed DH I intended to have blue and green egg layers in my mixed flock he looked confused, so I showed him pics...

"I'm not eating THOSE!!!" "Why not?" "LOOK at them! They're OFF!
All the more pretty colored eggs for me then!

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